Chapter 1

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Being tossed around and ending up at her godmother, Alice's house. Alice was an interesting character, not wanting to take care of a child she never asked for which admittedly made sense. However, she battled with alcoholism most of her life, how child services let her become a guardian, we don't know.

A few months later, Aster left her childhood town to live in a castle that held magic, a real type of magic she couldn't even imagine. After grieving for so long, she hoped, she wished to be welcomed with warm arms and faces. After being dropped off by Alice, she was on the platform now, holding a ticket that said platform 9 3/4 and pushed her cart that piled a case and a bag on top of it.

Aster had to admit, she was a bit confused as well, asking a couple where she could find this platform, but they chuckled and walked away from her. Then she was met with, what she would call, an angel. A plump woman with fiery red hair appeared and Aster darted towards her immediately and shyly tugged the woman's sleeve.

"Oh, hello dear," the woman smiled warmly, "anything I can help you with?" She graciously asked, Aster silently smile and handed her the ticket to platform 9 3/4. "Oh, you can join us, we're heading there right now," she informed the girl, who sighed in relief as she grabbed her bags. "Okay dear," the woman started, gripping Aster's shoulder gently, "oh I forgot, I'm Molly Weasley," she informed her, almost forgetting to introduce herself.

"Aster, Aster Fiore," the girl quietly said with a push of her glasses, making the woman smile kindly.

"Pretty name, perfect for you," Molly complimented quickly before taking one of her bags. "Follow us, dear, Fred, George, hurry up, oh your father wouldn't want to miss this, shame he got called into work this early," she hissed and growled at her assumed sons, making Aster a bit worried for the time constraint, "we have plenty of time, dear, they just take a longer amount because of their foolery," she shook her head.

The girl laughed nervously and looked around the platform, "are they first-years as well?" Molly nodded with a smile.

"Yep, I assume you are as well," Molly laughed a bit before the two were met with a set of twins stumbling their way next to them. "Boys stop roughhousing," their mother warned pointing a finger at them.

"Sorry mum," they said together with wicked grins before turning to Aster. She looked at them and noticed their messy red hair, parts of which, covered their face. She saw freckles that dotted their face, some uneven in places.

"Boys, this is Aster, a first-year as well," their mother introduced the shorter girl with dark brown hair. "These are my boys, Fred and Geroge," she waved at them, not attempting to figure out who was who.

"Which one's which?" The girl asked shyly looking between the two, their mother laughed as the twins grinned.

"I'm Fred."

"I'm George," they took turns saying their own name properly. Aster nodded knowing she would forget in a minute or two.

Then a few seconds later two other red-headed boys came up behind them. Molly smiled at them and introduced Aster to them, "this is Aster, she's just starting at Hogwarts," she repeated, then motioned for the two to introduce themselves to the girl.

"I'm Charlie, seventh year, my last year actually," he gave a warm smile, holding a pale hand out to her, she shook it with a smile, she already felt welcomed.

"Percy, third-year," the other quipped up, not holding a hand out to her or showing a sign of kindness, or at least from what she could see, Aster smiled and waved at him before turning away.

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