Chapter 15

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Christmas at Hogwarts

(originally named Christmas at Hoggy Warts)


Aster sat in the Hufflepuff common room on Christmas morning drinking hot chocolate while listening to music in the background with the Fat Friar, however lacking the drink. They had a nice chat about the recent events of the school trickery that Fred and George had played early in the school year.

A stomached laugh filled the room as Aster told him a story of when she was first discovered when she was little. As his laughter died down, he looked to the fireplace and saw a medium, thin, package sitting next to a messily wrapped gift. Aster followed where he was looking and was immediately confused.

"They're gifts from my friends, care to join me opening them?" She asked as she got up, he smiled warmly and agreed. As she sat down with the few messily wrapped packages, one from Lucy, the twins, Ron and Molly.

As Aster opened Lucy's present, the Fat Friar smiled a knowing smile down at the girl who looked excited to open the gift. In the box was a new record of 'The Weird Sisters' which Aster didn't have yet. Squealing she jumped from the couch and spun, hugging the record to her chest, "oh this is amazing," she sighed looking from the gift to the ghost. "Have you heard them?" She asked, he smiled widely and nodded.

"Why not put it on?" He suggested, his voice sounding hollow, waving to the record player, Aster nodded and proceeded to switch the music over. Walking back she looked at the two messy packages with an amused look, "I think I know who it may be from," the ghost whispered with a laugh.

"Not very good at wrapping are they?" She mentioned as she opened one to reveal a knitted sweater in purple with a yellow A on the front. Ron got her a few lollipops and hard candies. The next one from George held a kit for cleaning supplies for violins. Then Fred's gift contained a large supply of her favourite chocolates and books on charms that she had been meaning to get but forgot. Aster smiled to herself and already began eating the chocolate.

Fred and George sat in the common room of Gryffindor and held their gifts from their mother, a neatly knit sweater, and the unopened present from Aster. They in sync opened the gifts.

George's revealed a small pouch with a strap hanging off it. Along with it was a note attached explaining the gift: it has an expansion charm (which shouldn't be mentioned to anyone else), I thought it would be useful to carry all your tricks, signed Aster. George smiled and put his hand into the pouch to feel something in it, a bottle of some sort with the note saying: the ability to repair itself once broken. Along with some chocolates that she had heard were George's favourite.

In Fred's gift was a small bag of Bezoar, about two or three, with a note sitting atop of it: in the case, testing doesn't end well in the future. In the box was also a packet of Drooples Best Blowing Gum, one of Fred's personal favourites from Honeydukes, along with another repairable bottle but in a different size and shape.

"This girl is amazing," Fred muttered to himself as he looked at his brother and Harry who were eating some candies Aster bought for the both of them.


The twins met Aster in the Great Hall for breakfast that morning with big smiles. They surrounded her and sat on either side of the girl who read the charms book Fred had gotten her. "Aster, I know you love everything I give you, but it's the holiday, you shouldn't be reading, you should be having fun," Fred whined after a few minutes of her not realizing he was there.

"Wait, let me try this," she said looking at the charm then waving her wand to make it light snow above them. She watches as the snow disappears just as it hits them and disappear as she waves her wand again and mutters Meteolojinx Recanto.

"Wow," Fred smiled, "you're brilliant at charms and jinxes," he complimented, Aster smiled and closed her book, turning away from Fred with red on her face.

"Oh, Happy Christmas guys," she told them, "thank you for the gifts."

"Happy Christmas," they echoed as Ron and Harry entered the Great Hall.

"Morning boys and Happy Christmas," Aster's voice rang through the halls, earning a greeting from Harry and Ron.


"I can't believe you, my own partner, threw snowballs at a teacher," Fred laughed as the three of them ran through the courtyard away from Professor Quirrell. Aster held onto the boy's hands since she was a faster runner than them and lead them down the corridors.

"I didn't throw them technically, they threw themselves," she panted as she dragged the two through into the corridors and through the halls, a bag clanking as she ran.

"She's got a point, Freddie," George defended her as they turned the corner.

"What are you three doing, running through the halls like this?" A stern female voice called as they passed a classroom.

The three stopped and turned slowly to see McGonagall with an amused but stern face. "Taking a jog," Aster replied quickly, trying to gain oxygen back into her lungs.

"Yup, gotta get that exercise in, Professor," Fred smirked, joining in.

"Well, go for a jog outside, I don't need you three causing trouble and making a mess," She ordered giving Aster a small smile.

"Will do and also, Merry Christmas, Professor," Aster smiled back, handing her a small bag of liquorice that was in her bag. McGonagall took the bag and smiled, silently thanking her as the three sped off down the hall.


Aster was playing in the room once again with the twins listening. However this time, Fred practically pushed Aster into showing the charms teacher, Professor Flitwick, who was also in charge of music class, her music. So he was joined with the three, listening with glee and a big smile. She was playing a specific song that her mother used to sing, just in the violin version. It was the song that she remembered when eating chocolate or the smell of lavender.

Flitwick watched the golden stream pass through the room and was in awe when he touched it and it spilt into his hand. When she finished the song, the teacher and twins stood up, clapping. "Oh well done, Ms Fiore."

"Thank you, Professor," she kindly thanked, placing her violin back in its case.

"You should definitely join our music class," he smiled, "you are someone we need," the teacher beamed.

"Well," Aster muttered looking at the twins who nodded with thumbs up, "I guess, I'd love to."


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