Chapter 40

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Tonks was out late training when Aster was sitting in her room reading a spell book when she heard a loud smashing of a plate and disgruntled noise. Quickly with her wand, she ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Lupin hunched over. "Remus," she gasped, rushing over to his side only to be pushed harshly.

"Run," he gurgled, as he looked out the window, she looked and saw a full moon shining brightly. "Aster, please," he begged.

"I," she stood up and hesitantly ran out of the house, her wand still in hand. Turning around she saw his shadow through the window of the small cottage, then it disappeared into the house.

Seconds later the door opened revealing a fully transformed werewolf. His yellow eyes scanned the grounds then landed on Aster. He stalked towards her with deep breaths and a low growl.

"Lupin," Aster backed up but tripped on the bench behind her, "Lupin," she crawled, struggling to stand up. Suddenly, the werewolf darted towards her and the only thing on her mind was a spell that could only possibly work, having a high chance of not working, "Legilimens."

A boy with messy brown hair laughed in a bedroom with another boy sitting on a bed across from his. "Remus," the boy's voice sounded familiar, "that was a horrible joke."

"At least it's nothing like yours," Remus seemed to laugh, "meddlesome and-"

"Funny?" The boy interrupted.

The scene flashed to the boy sitting in the Gryffindor common room with three friends. One with wicked black hair, one with brown messy hair and glasses, and one shorter one with blondish hair. "Remus, why would we care?" The black haired one laughed slightly, "you're our friend, I don't think a 'furry problem' would change that."


"If it gets bad," the blond one piped up, "we can help you."

"Sneak you out of the castle so you don't have to be alone," the messy brown haired one grinned, he looked like Harry. Remus smiled at them finally happy to not have to hide such a big secret.

The next scene was of one of his first classes at Hogwarts. Remus was reading the list of students when his eyes stopped on one of them: Aster Fiore. His mouth turned into a slight smile when students started walking in, one by one he greeted all of them. Until he saw one that looked too much like the man he went to school with.

"Professor, when my father asked you that question, would you," The girl asked making Remus stop in his tracks and his heartache. "Would you ever consider changing that answer for good?"

"Of course," he said with a genuine smile, "Aster, I've always been your godfather, maybe not officially and maybe it's time for you to call me Lupin or Remus, not Professor." He finally got the chance to redeem himself and change his answer to the question he regretted.

"Aster," Lupin's voice echoed in her ear as the scene went into a dim grey area. "Aster what are you doing?"

"Remus?" She asked looking around and seeing him standing there with tears on his face and stains of red on his arm. Aster step closer to him, only to have him step back, "Remus your arm."

"Aster, I'm okay but this is dangerous for you, you need to leave the house, take the knight bus, go to Fred or Molly," he told her. "Please go."

"Remus, I can't," Aster told him calmly. "You're hurting and I can't leave you out there."

"Aster," he barked causing her to look at him properly. "I'm okay by myself."

"Stop saying you're okay," Aster argued, a serious tone in her voice making Lupin look at her, taken off guard a bit. "Hell knows how you're doing when you're out there alone, what if someone or something hurts you, what happens then."

"Why does that matter then?" Lupin breathed heavily as his heart hurt. He felt like he had this argument before. "Because it doesn't, Aster, because," he paused and looked at her face.

"Because why?" The fire was in her eye as she looked at the man.

"Because no one cares about me," Lupin hissed, keeping his straight face on even though he wanted to break down at that moment. This conversation seemed all too familiar to him.

"Tonks cares about you, I care, Remus Lupin," she tried to calmly say. "You know that, and we wouldn't have this conversation if I didn't." She took a step forward and gently took his hands, "I'm your goddaughter and even if it's not my duty to take care of you, I'm making it my mission."


Thoughts ran through her mind then something came up, "how did my father help you when he helped you?"

"Aster, it was dangerous of him to do it," Remus started.

"Tell me," she paused and looked at him. "Please."

"Okay," he sighed before explaining everything. Aster nodded along and once he finished she pulled out her wand and pointed it at him.


The morning after the full moon passed, Lupin was settled on the couch asleep with a blanket neatly tucked on him. Aster was sitting in the chair beside him with a book on her lap too distracted to be reading. Every time he moved in his sleep, Aster would quickly look over at him to see if he was awake. Then the time he did wake up he was silent and slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in his living room and not the forest floor.

"Happy birthday," he groaned as he sat up, suddenly making Aster whip her head up from the book.

"You're awake," Aster smiled, "how are you feeling?"

"Been better," he chuckled, "thank you."

"She's been here all morning ever since four," Tonks smiled from the kitchen doorway. "Thank you," she smiled as she walked over to the girl and hugged her. "I made a birthday cake yesterday for you, come on guys," Tonks smiled as they followed her into the kitchen. She wonderfully displayed the purple and yellow frosted cake on the counter with nice fruits and writing on the top. "Happy birthday," she smiled, half hugging the girl.


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