Chapter 35

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Harry's Cake and Lupin's Furry Problem


"Good luck, Harry," Aster and Hermione called out as they left the dim house. Aster turned to Hermione and smiled.

"Hermione," she sang, "wanna bake a cake with me?" She asked randomly, wanting something to do, "I'm bored."

"A cake?" She echoed with a smile, "sure."

"Great, you know how the muggle way, right?" Aster asked, knowing Hermione was Muggle-born so it was a stupid question.

"Yeah, I used to bake with my father," she laughed as they entered the kitchen which only held Molly and the twins.

"Oi, we're going to bake a cake," Aster announced to the three of them, causing Hermione to giggle. "I love you guys but back," she shooed them away from the baking area. She turned around to see Hermione rolling up her sleeves and tying her hair back, "come on."

With the audience of the Weasley trio, they baked a sweet cake. Both physically sweet looking and tasting sweet with chocolate. They took a station and made both frosting and batter for the cake, taking turns to mix them both. Once they were done with the first step of the batter, they smiled as Hermione placed it in the oven. As it baked, then cooled, they talked with the others about the new school year and how it was the last year for the twins and Aster. Aster left Hermione to frost the cake, giving her moral support. They then decorated it with various cut fruits that Molly had bought as a snack for everyone. The finished product was amazing and left the three in awestruck and hungry.

"Can we eat it?" Fred asked, inching closer to the cake.

"Not yet, we wanted to wait until Harry got back," Hermione told him, pulling the cake closer to her and the girl. Fred raised his eyebrows and looked at his girlfriend.

"Don't give me that face," she muttered looking away. "You can not have the cake, Fred."

"Look me in the eyes and say that woman," Fred stared her down as she slowly turned her head back to him. 

"No," she said with a grin as Sirius entered the room.

"Ooo," he smiled as he smoothly walked over to the cake.

"Sirius, no," Aster stated, "don't make me say it."

"You wouldn't," he narrowed his eyes with a grin, "you wouldn't dare."

"Bad," she was about to finish her sentence before two people walked in. "Oh, hey Harry," Aster smiled.

"Good news everyone," Arthur beamed as he entered the kitchen. Ginny had just entered the room when she saw Harry and grinned.

"He got off!" Ginny called as she marched around the room, Fred and George joined in. "He got off!"

"Just in time," Molly laughed as she looked at Sirius and Fred, who was still marching with Ginny and George, "these two were about to eat it."

"Eat what?" Harry asked, walking over to Sirius then seeing the chocolate and fruity cake in front of him. "Who made that?"

"The one covered in chocolate frosting," Aster sarcastically muttered, "Hermione and I, Sirius was about to eat it on you."

"Was not," Sirius tried to argue before Aster gave him a look. "My house got taken over by my short niece," he muttered earning a jab in the side by Aster.

 The group of people in the house all gathered in the kitchen that night to have dinner and eat the cake, however, Aster carefully exited the kitchen, making sure no one saw her, except for Fred knew she left since she wasn't by his side.

"Aster?" He knocked on the door quietly as he entered the room, "you're missing the fun."

"I know," she looked up at the sky at the full bright moon, "it's just, that the moon is out and I'm worried for Remus." She sighed as Fred stood next to her and looked at the moon, he wrapped an arm around her as she leaned her head on his chest.

"Why not have some chocolate cake to get your mind off things," Fred suggested, Aster nodded and let him lead her downstairs and into the kitchen.


"Remus?" Aster muttered once again at one in the morning a few days after. After much thought, she decided not to wake him up and to let him sleep. She quickly got a glass of water and sat down next to him, taking a few sips and looking around the kitchen, trying to settle her mind.

After she finished her glass of water, she took off her glasses and laid her head on her arms, looking at Lupin's face as he slept. She could tell it was a rough few nights for him and all he needed was comfort and sleep. Closing her eyes for what seemed like a second but ended up being a few hours.

Then it was Lupin's turn to wake up to the other asleep, he wiped his face as he noticed the girl. "Aster?" He muttered more to himself than to wake her up. The girl smiled in her sleep, she looked peaceful and calming, something Lupin needed to feel and by looking at her, he felt it. It was only three in the morning at the time and Lupin decided he could still fall asleep, so he laid his head back on his arms and looked at the girl until tiredness took over.


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