Chapter 24

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Algol Black


"Professor Lupin," Aster sighed as she entered the room a few days later after all classes ended, "I came to talk about my father, I have some questions."

"I suspected that you did," he smiled pointing to a seat across from him. "Take a seat," he said, reminding Aster of the time Fred joked with a teacher and grabbed a seat and held onto it.

"So, I was wondering," she started as she sat down, "what was he like, my father, I have an image of him from what I remember, but I haven't seen him in a while so."

"Algol Black was," Lupin held a distant smile as he recalled all his memories of him, "he was an innocent child who could do bad things to people who crossed him, much like you, like I heard from Snape that you pulled a prank on someone a few days ago," Aster chuckled sheepishly but nodded. "In fact, he looked like you, but not your smile or hair though," Lupin shook his head, "you have your mother's smile, voice as well."

"I've been told," Aster nodded, trying to hold back the smile, "what was he like living with him?"

"He was a mess, clothes everywhere, books always opened on his desk," Lupin laughed, she laughed with him and grew comfortable with him. "He also used to play the violin, which I understand you also do."

"A bit yeah, I haven't recently," Aster smiled proudly, "he taught me, but I never heard him play."

"He was very good," he complimented him. "You know, Aster," Lupin said more seriously, "your father asked me to be your godfather when he had you," Aster tilted his head at him.

"But my godmother said that I didn't have one," Aster told him, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I chose not to be your godfather because I thought I wasn't worthy enough," he admitted, "I was afraid I'd hurt you."

"How could you hurt me?" Aster asked, "I would believe you'd be the last person to hurt anyone."

"Aster, that's something I couldn't tell you, but I wish I could," Lupin told her, confusing her profoundly.

"I," she began to ask him why but decided that some things are harder to say, "I understand Professor," she nodded then tried to change the subject. "In school was he bad like Snape said he was?"

Lupin smirked at the girl and shook his head. "Of course he would get in trouble occasionally, but I wouldn't say he was horrible," Aster smiled and nodded as he continued, "your father was quite smart, he would help me when I needed it and let me borrow notes, he was like you." Aster looked at the teacher like she just found out the truth after years, and she did in a way. "He was a very close friend of mine, Aster."

Something stirred in her like she finally figured out something in her life. Like she knew this man was supposed to come into her life. Aster just met him and found out so much in just two days.

"Professor Lupin," she started her question, "if-if he was here and asked you to be my godfather again, what would you say?"

Lupin dropped his hand that he was combing his hair with, he watched the girl and saw the familiar look in her eyes behind her glasses, it was the same when her father first asked her. He gave a slight smile and hesitated before answering, "I'd say yes."

"You would?" She asked in disbelief, "what would be the reason you'd change your mind?" She asked, knowing the reason already. She didn't know if it was good or bad, but she wanted the reason to have a good meaning. She hoped it was.

"If I'm honest, I'm not sure," he admitted, "your father trusted me with something and I didn't take it, but now I see that I should have, and maybe things now would have worked out better."

"Better," Aster echoed, "Professor, my life is decent right now, and yeah it bloody would be better with you, but you said you couldn't trust yourself with whatever you had going on, or still have going on, and that's okay," she told him, not angrily or upset, she told him the truth in a calm manner. "Everything bad thing that happens to you isn't all your fault, you can still change and if something bad does happen, I or anyone won't blame you."

Once again the Professor looked at her, astonished by how much that speech resembled much like when her father reacted to his 'problem'. He was understanding and tried to make Lupin feel better when he felt shitty about his problem. Lupin gave another truthful nod, "you shock me of your similarity to him, he would have said the same thing." In fact, he had.

Lupin now dealt with two students that resembled his two old friends, and it tore him when he looked at them. Every time Aster made a remark in his class or joke with the Weasley twins and Lance, he'd be reminded of the friend he lost. It wasn't sad for him, but more nostalgic for him to remember the times, especially when the week rolled around.


Aster pieced together the reasons for why Sirius Black was after her, and it was quite easy. She was the daughter of her brother and what could have been Lupin's goddaughter. But the reason why he'd attack her was questionable. Sirius and Algol seemed to have liked each other and attacking his brother's daughter didn't seem reasonable to her. There must be something wrong with her interpretation. Sadly, she knew the reason he was looking for Harry, since Mr Weasley had told her, but didn't give her background on herself.

"Hey, Aster," Fred's voice said next to her at breakfast one morning, "look deep in thought, or you're just eyeing that pumpkin juice because it just looks suspicious." Aster smiled and greeted him before telling him everything that happened yesterday after classes.

She told him everything and knew she could trust him. He made some jokes about how both Sirius and Algol is a star and the Black family seemed to have some obsession with stars and Aster laughed at how both her mother and she were named after flowers. Even with the serious conversation and possibility of her breaking down from the sudden realization of who she was related to, Aster was glad he still liked her even after telling him that she was technically a Black.


"Professor, we don't start our lesson on werewolves today," Aster told Snape who made a dramatic entrance into the room, "where is Professor Lupin?"

"He was ill, so for the time being, I will be in replace until he feels proper to teach again," Snape said in his cold voice, "so if you will let me teach," he spat as he turned on the projector to show a diagram of a werewolf. "Who can tell the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?"

Someone in the back raised their hand, "an Animagus can change their appearance from animal to a human at will, a werewolf cannot, they transform forcefully every full moon." Their voice echoed as Snape changed the picture on the screen, "a werewolf seems to forget who they are and can attack anyone, even the one they love."

This subject was something that gained Aster's interest, and she didn't know why. It was something Aster found interesting when everyone else thought it was terrifying. She wondered what it would be like if she had met one. Surely it wouldn't be as scary as people were talking about in the hall, she thought, they're still humans they just have the problem every month. Of course, even the nicest people can hide the worst of secrets.


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