Chapter 23

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Ignoring and Ignorance


"Sod off Percy," Fred growled as his brother bothered Aster about how her robes were put on. Percy would try to fix her tie or tell her that her button wasn't done right, but every time he did, Fred would be there to send a wicked glare. As they walked to the carriages, Fred took Aster's hand and reassured her that he was there.

Since that day at the Leaky Cauldron, Aster was off and Fred noticed and barely ever left her side. George noticed the lack of his twin but wasn't bothered at all knowing something was up with, in fact, he would ask Fred if Aster needed anything or if they needed help, which Fred was thankful for and so was Aster herself. However, since that day, Aster was trying to find out why she felt that way, and once her eyes set on Harry in the corridors, she realized exactly why. There was a mass murderer who knew both her and Harry and she wasn't scared for herself, but for Harry.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Aster muttered to Fred before finding Lance and Cedric at the Hufflepuff table. Once they laid eyes on her, they both perked up, "Hey guys," she smiled her famous soft smile.

"I missed you," Lance whined as she sat down, he swung himself on her and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you guys too," she smiled, hugging him back. After the greeting and the sorting from the new students, the three began to catch up on what they were up to during the summer. Lance was alone at his house since his parents had gone to France before he had gotten back from Hogwarts, and they were gone for the remainder of the summer. Aster felt bad since she was in Eygpt with the Weasleys, she wasn't able to talk to them as often as she wanted.


Aster noticed the absence of Lucy within the first few days at Hogwarts, and it seemed that every time Aster thought she saw Lucy in the corridors, she disappeared. Aster began to think that she was ignoring her, and it was true. Over the summer, Lucy had a realization and made the wrong move, and now couldn't bring her to even look at Aster.

What Lucy didn't know is that this affected Aster negatively, having a close friendship be torn and stopped without reason for Aster. Fred noticed her stoop in mood and had no idea what the cause of it was. So between selling their products and pranking, Fred found time to hang around Aster alone when she wasn't helping them out.

"Hey Aster," Fred smiled widely as he walked next to the much shorter girl, "how were classes?"

"They were decent, yours?" Aster smiled kindly as he took her hand.

"Wonderful," he rolled his eyes. "Divination is so useless, not sure why we even take it."

"Why not change classes?" Aster suggested, "wouldn't that be easier?"

"Says the one who is excelling in all their classes," Fred flourished, "especially in Charms," he added looking down at her. After a moment of silence, Fred watched as her face held a slight sadness in her eyes. "What's been bothering you?" He asked quietly, knowing Aster didn't want people to overhear.

"I'm not sure Fred," she quietly said with a shrug, "Lucy hasn't even tried to say hello to me since we got here, and every time I see her, she just disappears," Aster sighed and looked up at her towering man.

"Would you like me to talk to her?" He said in a serious tone, Aster shook her head immediately.

"If she doesn't want to talk, it's fine," Aster said, "it just hurts," she sadly admitted, looking away from Fred, whose eyebrows were knitted and his face didn't hold a smile.

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