Chapter 30

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Aster, I said no Señor Wolfy, but I guess that won't persuade you to stop. I heard that the Triwizard Tournament is held there this year, and I know it sounds a bit off, but Harry didn't put his name in, it just doesn't sound right. Also, I expect the Yule Ball would sound most exciting for you, so I sent something to help you pick out your dress, it's a picture of your mother and father in the early stages of their marriage. She loved that dress and your father picked it out, I was surprised. Hopefully, this will help you gain inspiration. And tell Fred to not be crazy with you at the ball or he will be hearing from me. The past month was rough on me but I've recovered, thanks for your concern.

Much care, R.J. Lupin

PS ~ Sirius says hello to his probably favourite niece!

Señor Wolfy, thank you for the picture, it means so much that you gave this to me. And as for Harry, I do believe that it wasn't him who did it, he was set up, this has something to do with that thing from summer, I have a feeling it just does. The Tournament is taking a toll on some friendships because of the miscommunications but it's slowly working out. Hello Sirius, you need to work on your handwriting, it's horrible, and I hope you're doing okay. Be safe R.J. Wolfie.

Your favourite, Aster


"Love, it doesn't matter what you wear, I'm sure you'll look amazing in whatever," Fred whined as he waited in the small dress shop.

"Fred, I'm not showing you this dress," Aster said, her voice filled with happiness. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw herself with a wide smile, she looked like her mother in the photo.

"Why not?" He asked in a child's whiny voice.

"Because, love, I want it to be a surprise," she said, coming out with a black bag over it to cover it, "now go wait by the door."


"Harry, I'm sorry," Aster said quietly as her friend sulked over his sandwich, "I didn't even know Cedric had feelings to like someone," she tried to joke but only managed to get him to smile. "I bet any girl would go with you, have you asked Ginny?"

"No, she's going with Neville and I thought she didn't like me," Harry furrowed his eyebrows, Aster shrugged and gave a questionable smile, "I'll just not go."

"No, Harry, you can't do that," Aster pulled him back before he could get up and walk away, "what you are going to do is eat that sandwich and go ask someone out."


"Finish eating and by the tomorrow morning, I expect you to have a date," she said seriously.

"So?" Aster asked hopefully, sitting next to the boy with messy hair, "who is it?"

"Parvati Patil, I got Ron a date with Padma," Harry sighed with a proud smile.

"Ron didn't ask anyone?" Aster laughed as the red-haired boy sat next to them, "Ronald."

"It's not my fault, Az," he said defensively raising his hands, "girls are vicious."

"Other than me, Ginny, and Hermione, what girl have you ever talked to?" Aster asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, he kind of yelled at Fleur when he asked her to the ball," Harry chuckled, earning a slap on the shoulder from Ron.

"You asked her and yelled," Aster chuckled, "at least you tried, Ronald," she laughed with a shrug.

"Lance," Aster whistled as she entered the common room, "have you found a date?"

"Yes, actually," Lance gave a proud smile as she sat down next to him, "a boy from Drumstrang called Jacob."

"Awe, I'm proud of you," Aster awed, pushing his shoulder lightly, "when did you ask him?"

"Lunch today, he sat next to me and we started talking then I just asked him and he said yes," he explained simply, she smiled as he talked to her about the boy, his eyes beaming as he talked.


She walked into the hallway, her hair pinned up and glasses neatly on her face. Curls dropped elegantly down her face, bouncing lightly as she walked. Her dress fell freely around her waist in almost a watery way, the navy blue colour contrasted with her skin perfectly and the bottom swayed as she walked. 

Fred watched her as she walked closer, he was stunned and now, truly knew what it felt like to have his breath taken away. From the multiple hundreds of pranks and tricks, he had none of them come to mind as they usually did. He marvelled at her, his heart beating faster as she took his arm and smiled. She found him speechless and chuckled at his freckled face and Fred found himself smiling the entire time as they walked into the ballroom.

"Fred you look dashing," Aster smiled as they danced together on the outskirts of the floor, "absolutely stunning."

"I'm still lost for words," he laughed looking into her dark eyes, "you seem to like to leave me speechless don't you?" She chuckled as they swayed to the music, "this time you outdid yourself." He shook his head in disbelief, "why did you even agree to date me?"

"Your laugh and how you made me laugh," Aster smiled, "your smile, and just, you, you're the best thing to happen to me."

"I could say the same," Fred muttered before bending down to kiss her, "I really love you."

"I love you too."

"You taste like chocolate," he laughed.


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