Chapter 18

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"Well done class," Flitwick beamed and clapped proudly, "oh, I'm so proud," he smiled happily as everyone began dispersing out into the corridors to their next class.

"Professor?" Aster walked up to him, as he turned around he squealed with happiness and joy, "I wanted to thank you for letting me join."

"Aster, you were brilliant, I should thank you," He countered with a prideful smile, "as good with a violin as you are with Charms."


"Why am I not surprised that you were the one to have set off that bomb," Snape's chilling voice echoed. Aster stood before him after class, in which she had set off some yellow powder on a Slytherin who was being quite rude. "Fiore, do you know why I'm not surprised?"

"Not a clue," she carelessly replied with a shrug, she looked him in the eyes that held a cold going. "I suppose you're going to tell me."

"You're exactly like your father," he sneered, causing Aster to do a double take.

"Yeah?" She questioned, crossing her arms. "And what would you know about my father?"

"Are you not aware that the reason that you are a wizard," he droned on and every second, made Aster's blood boil, "it's because of him."

"As if, my father never told my mother or me about magic," After defended, "and you have no right to talk about him." She held her fists in balls and gritted her teeth, as much as she wanted to leave, she wanted to argue against Snape.

"Why did he leave then?" Snape's voice called out. "Why did he never return like he promised?" Aster felt her jaw ache as she clenched her jaw harder. "He left because he was too much of a coward to face you."

"He wasn't a coward," Aster loudened her voice to a level she never expected it to be. But even saying that it felt foreign on her tongue to say it like it was a lie.

"Pathetic," He spat at the student, "you don't even remember him, do you?"

Aster didn't say anything. She just stared him down as he turned around and scooped a vial off his desk. The liquid in it seemed whispy and white like it was a stream or cloud. Snape turned around with his normal face and handed it to her. She has heard of this before and she didn't want anything to do with it.

"No detention," he strained to say, "give this to Dumbledore, he wishes to see you as well."

So she went, as hard as it was to deal with the information, she held no emotion as she slid the vial into her pocket and walked towards Dumbledore's office.


"Crucio," a woman's voice shrieked. 

A blood-curdling scream echoed through Aster's ears, it was almost painful to her as it was to the man. A man appeared on the floor with a woman pointing her wand at him. Aster looked around and saw Snape behind her, staring through her at the man.

"Snape, please," the older man pleaded. "Please tell my daughter and wife what happened, tell them everything," he begged as the woman lowered her wand and grabbed him. "They deserve to know," his voice seemed strangled and croaky.

"Shut it," she hissed as he held him against her knife.

"Snape," the man cried as the teacher just stared blankly at him, "tell them."

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