Chapter 8

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Letters of an Uneasy Week


It was the next morning and Aster didn't see many people in the Great Hall just yet, though Lance had joined her for a short minute to grab a piece of toast before going to the library. Later, there was the morning owl post, above everyone, there were fluttering owls. But there was one particular owl that seemed old and seemed to be looking around frantically for its person, then its eyes laid upon Aster, and made a quick dive for her. Picking up her plate and cup in time for impact, the owl landed right in front of her. She recognized the owl as Errol, the Weasley family's shared owl.

Errol dropped the letter on in front of her and shook his feathers. Aster smiled, thanked him, and scratched the bird's neck. He chirped back at her and flew off back outside. Aster looked at the letter and found that it was from Ron, she smiled and turned it over to open it. Pushing up her glasses before reading it:

Aster! It's Ron, it's been quiet here at the Burrow, so I decided to write to you! Mum won't stop cleaning and worrying about you, Percy, and the twins. How is school? Did Fred and George try out yet, I wouldn't be surprised if they got the role as beaters. Ginny's been asking if you were staying with us now, and I don't know what to tell her, but mum said that you were moving in! Is it true? That's great if you are! Also, has Fred asked you what we talked about? Oh, I hope they aren't causing too much trouble for you. Please write back soon! ~ Ron

Aster smiled at the letter and turned to the twins who were looming over a piece of parchment. They felt her eyes on her, looked up and smiled, she waved and turned back to her food. Aster couldn't get herself to admit that her stomach felt a bit off when she turned back around. But When she turned around, George nudged Fred, he knew how stupidly crazed he was for the girl, trying to find a reason to be around her. From try-outs to breakfast one morning and every moment walking in the halls, Fred seemed to have some reason to talk to her.

"I'm going to talk to her for a second," George said, getting up and not letting Fred get the choice to answer him. He swung a leg over the bench and looked at Aster then to the letter, then back to Aster again. She looked at the twin and smiled, then noticed that he wasn't smiling.

She grinned trying to get him to smile, one he did she nodded. "Oh, hey George."

"That's how you tell?" George asked scratching his head, Aster nodded proudly with herself.

"Don't tell Fred though, he doesn't need to know," she said. "Why did you come over here?"

"To talk about Fred actually," he grinned, mostly at his plan, but also at the look of confusion on Aster's face.

After George told her what Ron had already told her, she felt her heart pounding even louder in her ears. She knew George was looking for an answer to whether she felt the same, but Aster still couldn't get herself to say it. With much pressure and force, she told George her answer. He smiled wickedly and glanced at his brother then back to her, she felt a wave a relief to tell him for some reason. They promised to not tell the others until it was time and sealed the promise as usual.


Hey Ron! It's been quite hectic I suppose here, Fred and George had played a 'few' pranks, I may or may not have joined one. And no, I haven't talked to Fred yet about it. I'm also not sure if I'm staying with you guys, but the sound of it, your mother had already made her choice. Tell Ginny that I say hello, along with your mother and father. I can't wait until next year when you join here. Please write soon! Can't wait to see you guys in the summer! ~ Aster

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