Chapter 14

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Aster and the twins were walking down the halls on their way to the Great Hall for lunch. Fred holding her hand as they talked about the DADA class they had today. As they walked down, they heard voiced down the corridor.

"What, doesn't this school have enough mudbloods as is?" A high pitched boyish voice mellowed, "and blood traitors, this school has gone down to the dumps as if it wasn't already," it said again, this time, Aster heard from around the corner. She drew nearer and saw four first-year students, three who she had grown to like, and one she absolutely despised even if this was the first time she met them. Fred and George stopped talking and watched the conversation that was going on in front of them. "If it were up to me, I'd have you traitors be put in Azkaban," he spat, narrowing his eyes, "parents killed, or Potter, you don't need that, do you?"

Aster felt her blood boil and heart rate speed up as she marched over to the three, her wand ready. "Back off Malfoy," Aster barked stepping in front of the three she adored, the others apart from Malfoy was taken aback from this since her voice was ordinarily calm and soft. The boy with slick back, pure, white hair looked startled as if he had just been caught by a teacher.

Then, his face looked confident and a smirk was replaced onto his face, "and what would you, a pushover Hufflepuff, do about it?" He tested, "I guess mudbloods really do stick together," his smirk dug deeper in his face as he looked to Hermione, who had tears streaming down her face than to Aster who still held her wand up and a dangerous face, "I heard your parents got the same fate as Potters did, or at least your mother did, where's your father again?" He stirred on, but this struck a cord with Aster.

Quickly, she flicked her wand and strung out various jinxes while waving her wand and prodding it, "Impedimenta, Cantis, Tarantallegra."

Malfoy ended up singing and dancing where ever she had pointed her wand, then shot him with one more charm that knocked him off his feet. The students behind her snickered, their faces turning red from holding in their laughter. He stopped dancing and his singing stopped, there was a scared face on his look as he looks at Aster, shocked. Malfoy sat there for a second before Aster took a threatening step forward, he stood up and ran off.

"Hermione," Aster immediately turned to the girl with brown hair, "ignore him," she cooed in her normally soft voice.

The girl sniffled then wrapped her arms around Aster's neck, who wrapped her in a hug and whispered comfortingly to Hermione. Fred looked at Ron and Harry who nodded to let them know that they were alright, then looked back at the two girls.


"I'm sorry Lucy," Aster sighed, "I just can't find a reason to like him," she admitted, looking at her sandwich, "he really hurt Lance, and I can't forgive him for that."

"Aster," Lucy complained, "I'm not asking for you to forgive him, but at least just hang out with us, just one time."

"I'm sorry," Aster softly sighed as Lance joined them at the table. "Hey, how are classes?"

"I can't, I just can't with potions," he said frustrated, gaining the attention of Cedric who sat across the table, "Snape just makes everything so hard," he sighed. Aster could tell he felt overwhelmed and the others still teasing him didn't help at all.

"I can help you with potions," Cedric said, walking up to him and sitting down, "how about today after classes, we can meet in the common room."

"Really?" Lance asked surprised then looked at Aster who nodded with her normal smile. "Thank you so much," he sighed in relief, "can you help with charms?" He asked looking at Aster.

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