Chapter 20

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It Begins


"I figured it out George," Fred perked up in his bed, having a new idea.

"Brother, I found out a while ago," George smiled. "I just wanted to see you think about this for so long."

"Shut up and get some pants on, Georgie," Fred muttered as he threw a pair at George who sat up in his bed.

"How do you know where she is?" George asked as they walked through the halls trying to find Aster.

"I don't," Fred simply said as they turned the corner to see Aster with a group of Hufflepuffs, Lucy and some Ravenclaws.

"Hey, Fred," Aster's face lit up happily, almost making Fred want to back out. Almost.

"How's my beauty," he smirked as he slid an arm over her shoulder.

"George, he asked you a question," Aster casually said, craning her neck to look at the other twin. The group started to giggle and watch with laughter building up, "oh I just remembered, I'm going to need that sweater you borrowed last night."

Fred rolled his eyes at the louder laughs, "about last night," he started saying before getting interrupted again.

"I told you, you couldn't fit that many marshmallows in your mouth," Aster laughed, "it was impossible."

"Yeah, but I was surprised by how many you fit," he winked making her blush, and the others to laugh but not enough to make her stop, "girl of many talents."

"What about over the summer when I heard you singing in the shower?" Aster gained her place, "or dancing in the yard, now that was talent." These made Fred silent but make him think harder of comebacks.

"Aster," Fred muttered.

Aster giggled and looked up at Fred who held a confused look that made her heart elevate in a way. So she did the most reasonable thing she could think of, she stood on her toes and kissed him between giggles. "Fine, you win this round, Freddie," she muttered with a smile as she went back to her usual height.

Lucy turns to Aster as they walk away from the group, now going to do what they originally planned. Aster promised that she'd help Lucy figure out that charm to turn anything into a bird, and she told herself it was going to be the day. Aster was sure of it, but Lucy wasn't. 

"Imagine a bird," Aster whispered, as Lucy sighed and tried the charm for the tenth time. This time she swished her wand and the quill in front of them was replaced with a brown and white feathered bird that started chirping and hopping towards Lucy. 

"Lucy you did it," Aster clapped, and hugged her friend, "I knew you could."


"Why is history so boring?" Lance complained in the common room as he jumped on the couch Aster was on. "He's a ghost, why couldn't they have a more excited teacher?"

"He knows a lot, Lance," Aster smiled, "sure it's boring, but in muggle school would you rather have those lessons?"

"Honestly, no," Lance muttered with a laugh. "Now that I think about it, muggle school is so boring," he laughed, causing attention from other Hufflepuffs.

"What is a muggle school like?" Cedric asked, leaning on the back of the couch, joining in on the conversation.

"Well," Lance stuttered as more people gathered around. "Depends really, from what I remember before coming to Hogwarts, there was a lot of competition when it came to sports," Lance told everyone, "classes are totally different to classes here, we have maths, English, sciences," he mused on about the schools in the muggle world with everyone around them. Sometimes people would ask questions about things and how they worked, like how they held classes and how events were.

"They don't have ink quills?" One Hufflepuff laughed, "what do they write with, sticks?"

"Pens," Aster smiled with an amused laughed, "pencils you can erase," she told him as they others marvelled.

"Yeah, when I was told we had to get quills, I was quite surprised," Lance told the group.

"My mom almost bought me muggle supplies instead," a Hufflepuff girl added, "she was so confused on what everything was." The group chatted until Professor Sprout came in and ordered them to bed, even then in the dormitories, they talked until morning.


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