Chapter 45

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It was Christmas already and Aster was with the Weasley's at the Burrow. Aster was sitting around everyone happily looking around as everyone talked and laughed. Then people started dispersing in the house.

However, it wasn't cheery when a circle of fire appeared outside. Startling everyone, people gathered outside, running to see what was happening. Aster gripped her wand as she also took Fred's hand. Looking around, she saw Ginny chasing after Harry who was also chasing someone. And Aster had a feeling she knew who that was. Afterwards, it was Lupin, Arthur and Tonks going after through the fire.

Aster gasped and tried to go after them, but was held back by Fred who held her tightly in a hug. Aster muttered something under her breath about helping them, but she knew Fred wanted her to be safe. They heard the cackles of Lestrange about killing Sirius.

Then, for what seemed like mere minutes, the Death Eaters left. But not just plainly, they left leaving the Burrow in fire and breaking foundations. Aster didn't dare look at the house, but turn to Molly and see her heartbreaking face as she watched the house she loved burn.


Aster helped repair the Burrow since it was a bigger building, it would take more than just two people to fix it. She tried her best to restore everything to what it was, but seeing everything in ruins made her heart crack a little more. But eventually, it was finished. Except for a few bits inside, the outer parts of the house was put back together. After a few restless nights, the group were able to fix the Burrow. Aster felt happy to see Molly in such a relieved state and be happy in her house once again.

Aster sat across from Molly on the couch and watched as she peacefully knitted a jumper for someone. It took a while until Aster got the courage to ask Molly and Arthur if they'd join her to a Muggle bar. Molly was a bit hesitant but seeing her husband excited, she agreed to go. Of course, the twins also went, borrowing some money from Aster so they can get some drinks themselves.

Aster apparated them into the same alleyway as she usually does and led them down the familiar street. Arthur had to be dragged by Molly since he was starting at everything he barely sees in the wizarding world.

Entering the nearly empty bar, she greets Paul and introduces him to Molly and Arthur. Telling the lot to sit down, Aster explained that the song she was singing tonight wasn't a normal song, so she had her own. Paul understood and let her walk up to the empty stage and work her 'magic'.

Aster quickly tinkered and charmed the speakers to play the song she wanted and quickly walked onto the stage.

"The Phoenix cried fat tears of pearl
When the dragon snapped up his best girl,
And the Billywig forgot to twirl
When his sweetheart left him cold,
And the unicorn done lost his horn,
And the Hippogriff feels all forlorn,
'Cause their lady loves have upped and gawn, Or that's what I've been told"

Aster hums the song and tune as the song played. Molly smiled since she recognized the song from her younger years. Arthur was amazed by the room and more of Aster's voice that was projected without a wand.

"Yes, love has set the beasts astir,
The dang'rous and the meek concur,
It's ruffled feathers, fleece, and fur,
'Cause love drives all of us wild."

The group of people in the audience clap for her as she stays on the stage, waiting for the other song since the first was a bit shorter.

"Carry my soul into the night
May the stars light my way
I glory in the sight
As darkness takes the day

Ferte in Noctem an imam meam
Illustrent stellae viam meam
Aspectu illo glorior
Dum capit nox diem"

Aster took a short breath before returning to the Latin verse.

"Cantate vitae canticum
Sine dolore actae
Dicite eis quos amabam
Me nunquam obliturum

Sing a song, a song of life
Lived without regret
Tell the ones, the ones I loved
I never will forget.

Never will forget."

The Weasley's clapped and cheered for Aster, causing her to blush and play with her sleeves as she jumped off the stage and sat down with them. "You have a beautiful voice," Molly gushed, holding Aster's face, "oh, Remus and Tonks would be proud."

"Thank you, Molly," Aster quietly said happily. She smiled down at the table as a drink was put down. She looked up and saw Paul proudly smile at her.

"Well done tonight, kid," he muttered as he walked away to give other customers their drinks.

"Thanks, old man," Aster muttered to him loud enough for him to hear.

"How did the sound work without a wand?" Arthur asked quietly as he leaned towards Aster.

"Speakers, you see that thing," she turned and pointed to the microphone, "that sends my voice through wires and sends it to those boxes right there," she pointed to the speakers. "It makes my voice louder for people to hear." She explained, smiling when she saw the astonished look on his face.


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