Chapter 2

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Hidden Talents and Walks in The Halls


Potions class the next day with the infamous Professor Snape was an untimely class. Aster had sat with a blonde girl, who was rather an earful, but kind to Aster as she included her in the conversation about muggles. The girl, Lucy, was also a Muggle-born like Aster, to which she was thankful. She was a Ravenclaw, she mentioned which caught Aster's interest as the sorting hat mentioned that house to her. Aster found the girl quite interesting to talk to, funny as well to add, she found this moment as a chance to gain a friend apart from the red-haired, kind family, something she had been worried about since the train ride.

Through the entire class, they took notes on what plant causes what in each potion and what should not be added to a potion if you don't want your eyebrows blown off. Snape also droned about what each of the ingredients was and what potion needed them. People had bad quotes about him and how he always favorites Slytherin, well, being the head of Slytherin adds to his reasoning.

Fred and George did share the class, but since they weren't doing physical potions the first class, the desks were set up in rows so the twins sat in the back of the class on the far right while Aster and Lucy sat on the middle row.

Charms class was one of the best classes Aster thought she had. She found enjoyment in knowing that there are various charms and knowing that she'd learn almost every one of them. She thought that even the name sounded interesting, and believed that it was something her mother would have loved to see. Aster had read up on charms, jinxes, and hexes a bit when she first got her books but was never able to perform them. Professor Flitwick knew she was going to be a great witch and outstanding in his class.


A month later, Aster found herself tapping her quill to the palm of her hand waiting for the class to end. In front of her, sat the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who maundered on about defensive spells. The room smelled like old parchment and wet animal fur, as the class went on, the smell seemed to become stronger. However, once he started to move on to another topic, the class ended meaning it was now a free hour for her.

Quickly gathering her stuff and heading out she met Lucy at the door, "That was the worst hour of my life," Lucy said sounding like the life was being taken out of her, "I swear if I was in there for another minute I would have slapped him into the other room."

"You weren't even awake for the class, how can you complain when you were asleep?" her friend countered chuckling a bit at her exaggerations, "besides, it was last period so now you can take a longer nap," Aster added shaking her head and continuing down the hall.

"Yeah yeah, I'll see you later," Lucy waved before walking to her common room to study or take a nap, Aster seized this opportunity to take her violin and find a classroom to play in peace, and more importantly, alone.

"Yea Georgie, I think we need to take a trip to Zonko's," Fred told George as they walked the halls for their free time, looking for a victim. "What do you think of-" he started to ask before he heard the astonishing sound of a violin playing through the halls. Looking to his twin, Fred walks closer to where the noise is coming from, as it grew louder and louder they noticed it wasn't record playing, but a student.

The two heads poked through the doorway unknowingly to her they sat there for minutes memorized by the tune she was playing. Aster was petite and wore glasses that fit her face and her dark hair in a ponytail, showing the curls as she spun around playing and moved around, her eyes closed and hair moving side to side gently, the yellow vine twisted itself across the violin. It was a wonder of how the yellow stream got there, but as she played, it glowed and seemed to move farther and slower as the tempo varied.

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