Chapter 5

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Summer Time With The Unexpected


It was the end of the school year and students were arriving at the station, ready to be picked up by their parents and family. Aster wasn't expecting her godmother, Alice, to remember to pick her up on time, so she sat at the entrance of the platform. Waiting for her children, Molly Weasely saw her and squealed with happiness. Aster turned around quickly at the sound and smiled lightly at the woman.

"Mrs Weasely," Aster held her arms out for a hug, "nice seeing you here," she said smiling.

"Oh - how was the school year? Fred and George didn't cause much damage did they?" Molly rapidly asked while kissing the top of her head. Aster was surprised by the amount of affection she was getting from a woman she had met months ago, not even from Alice -her godmother, she had never gotten this much care and kindness from an adult figure.

"No trouble," Aster confirmed, "don't worry," she assured Molly who nodded and gave a strained smile.

"Oh good," she bellowed as her sons flew out of the wall behind them, "there they are," she ran to hug them, leaving Aster behind, alone once again.

Aster sat back down and placed her chin on her knees, her dark hair falling into her eyesight. Soon the two familiar boys joined her in watching the cars and people leaving. They all sat in silence, knowing that Aster liked silence between them and how uncomfortable she felt at certain times while talking, the twins didn't speak.

"Strange how muggles drive like this," Fred said to George who was on the other side of her, "so slow, how do they do it?"

"Must be killing them with how slow they are, much like sloths they keep in zoos," George smiled looking at Fred. Aster smiled and looked at the twins, nudging them both with her shoulder, she swayed from side to side between the both of them.

"Come on boys," Molly rushed, "Oh Aster, do you need help getting home?" The parent asked concerned.

"No, my godmother will be picking me up," Aster said knowing Alice would forget about her once again. "Thank you though," she waved at them, watching them get into the car and drive off.

Alice took her in for the short amount of time she needed a place to stay, was quite forgetful of the young girl. With her drunkenness from recent events of Aster's mother passing from an illness, Aster knew she would be waiting a bit longer than usual. It was a few moments before she felt eyes on her causing her to turn around to a twin.

"I don't suppose you're my favorite one?" Aster grinned slightly before slumping her back and patting the space on the ground next to her, "why are you here and not with your family?"

"Suppose they forget, sometimes," Fred grinned as he sat down next to the girl, "wouldn't be surprised, so many things on that woman's mind, can't even remember which one I am," the twin joked making Aster laugh a bit.

"And?" Aster asked, "you never told me how I can tell you and George apart," she smiled teasingly, knowing that it was Fred.

"Aha, you found out?" Fred smiled at the girl who looked confident in herself, "how can you tell?"

"You tell me," she echoed him from the time she asked how to tell them apart, "call me observant, but I just can, I guess," Aster shrugged, she bumped shoulders with Fred as the two quieted down. A moment or two, Aster was leaning on his shoulder, tired, she closed her eyes for a second before opening them slowly. "It was a long year," she said quietly, but loud enough for Fred to hear. "I'm excited for next year already," she drawled with a yawn.

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