Chapter 7

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"Lucy," Aster ran up to her friend who stood on the platform, startling her with a hug. "I haven't seen you for what seems like years," she muttered into the hug.

"It's been months but okay," Lucy chuckled hugging her friend back, "missed you too." She smiled down at her friend, Aster pushed up her glasses with an amused smile, "we can catch up on the train."

After saying goodbyes to the Weasley family, Aster, Fred and George gathered on the train, along with Lucy. Fred and George heading a different way, probably planning no doubt, and the two girls headed into a different compartment than the twins.

Now that Aster and Lucy were on the train, they sat waiting for the departure chatting about the summer holiday, they laughed as Lucy brought up a topic about accidentally levitating a stone, but passing it off as rock skipping. Throughout their conversation, Aster never brought up Alice, who Lucy barely knew and Aster had only brought up once in the past. However, Lucy was intrigued by Aster's experience living with the Weasley house.

"I can't believe you moved in with them," Lucy gasped with an exaggerated hand on her heart.

"I didn't move in, they're just helping me until I find someone in my family who can take me in," Aster quickly said before angrily pushing up her falling glasses.

Ten minutes after the train had started moving, a loud bang was heard and red smoke powder filled the corridors. Aster muttered to herself about how the twins were going to get thrown off the train by the trolley lady. Soon, the twins stumbled into Lucy and Aster's shared compartment.

"Don't drag us into this," Lucy muttered, holding her hands up as the twins took seats next to each of them.

"Don't you worry," they said together, "it was two this time." Lucy rolled her eyes as she lightly slapped Geroge who sat next to her.

"Ow," he whimpered, holding his arm while pouting. Lucy rolled her eyes once again before there was a knock on the door.

"Anything from the trolley?" The old woman asked then spotted the two twins, "oh, not you two, no sweets today," she said walking away, Aster perked up then stood up to chase after her.

"Wait, can I get some chocolate?" She asked holding out enough money to get a bar of chocolate, the old woman nodded and smiled.

"Watch those two," the trolley lady warned as she handed a bar of chocolate, along with a mischievous smile, "I'm getting too old for them."

Aster nodded and entered the compartment after thanking her for the sweets. She sat back next to Fred who gave her a ridiculous look, "you have some obsession over chocolate."

"Aye," she muttered softly with chocolate in her mouth, "don't make fun of me, or I won't share with you." She glared then looked at Lucy and George and asked if they wanted some, they smiled and took a square of chocolate. She looked at Fred and looked at each other for a minute then Aster handed him a piece, he took it happily and smiled.

Aster looked at the three and started laughing to herself softly, Lucy joined her and soon the twins. She felt, at that moment, happy or a bit more than that. She felt at home.


In the Great Hall, the first years were being sorted, a few Hufflepuffs being sorted into the house, Aster cheered loudly for them. She was excited to begin the new year, as the feast began she made a nice conversation with a new student who sat next to her, his name was Lance and had light brown hair with matching eyes. He had admitted that he was worried about classes and that they came from a muggle and wizard family. Aster comforted him by saying she was Muggle-born, and she would be more than happy to help the student and his friends out if needed, which quickly cheered him up but gaining a new friend.

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