Chapter 49

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"Oi, Aster," Charlie's voice called from the kitchen, "I brought the kids for ya."

"What kids Charlie?" Aster called back as she walked down the stairs, "You don't have any- Charlie those aren't kids!" She screeched as she saw the two small dragons perched on his arm and slung around his shoulder. She quickly rushed to his side and cautiously held her hand out to the dragon who bowed his head and let her pet him.

"Fred told me you wanted a dragon at the wedding," He smirked. "So I brought the pair I thought you'd like best."

"Oh," she hugged Charlie tightly with a big grin, "thank you, they're lovely."

"Oh good, you arrived," Fred chuckled. "Let me show you what we have planned."

"Please make sure it runs by Ginny and Luna," Aster called back to them earning a wave from Fred. "I'm going to head back to the house for a bit," she called back once more, earning a 'love you' from Fred.

Aster stepped outside before apparating back to the empty cottage. She took a deep breath before walking inside. The house was dim, only letting in the sunlight. It was quiet, not like the kind when they were there, but it was a silence that Aster hated. One that showed sadness and pain. As she walked through the house, she held the cardigan that was oversized for her tightly around her. She felt cold even though the cardigan was warming her body.

Walking up the stairs she entered the room where she would see them spend time together reading and talking. Then she entered her own room where she found the shaggy black dog perched on her bed, seeming recently hugged. She grabbed the toy and wrapped it in the cardigan with her. She continued to walk around the house once again before seeing a vial of Fred's product on the floor by the couch. Dizzy Dream. Aster took a deep breath before looking around. She popped open the bottle and downed the red liquid, feeling a fuzzy feeling in her chest.

She closed her eyes and opened them. In front of her sat Lupin, Tonks, Sirius, her father and the Weasley family, all happy and talking. She smiled sadly, her eyes tearing up. That's when Fred came up to her and hugged her tightly.

"What's wrong?" he looked down at her and at this moment she couldn't tell if it was really him or not.

"I miss them all," she told him, looking at them. That's when Fred stopped hugging her and his face turned into Lupins.

"We're always with you Aster," his voice echoed, "remember what I told you?"

"People we love never leave us," Aster echoed his words as he turned into Sirius.

"We'll be with you," Sirius said pointing to her heart, "always." He turned into her father next.

"Dad," she gasped, holding in a cry.

"A voice like your mothers," he smiled as her mother appeared next to him.

"But I look like you," she smiled painfully.

"I'm happy you forgive me, dear," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. She tried to touch it but her hand went through his. She looked at her mother and gave a deep breath.

"What about the wedding?" Aster asked, tears brimming her eyes, "you'll be there?"

"Save us a seat," they surrounded her, Tonks now talking. "Better be front row."

"Of course," she sniffed, "I love you guys."

"We love you too," they echoed each other before disappearing.

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