Chapter 28

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The game was nothing as Aster thought of, it was astonishing and eventful. The twins bet was on the spot and mind-blowing to her that they got that bet and won it. By the end of the night, the twins were singing a song to Ron on his love for Viktor Krum. Then, there were explosions and soon screams.

"Boys, take the girls, go hide somewhere safe," Mr Weasley ordered, making Fred's grip on Aster's hand tighten greatly.

As George grabbed his sister's hand and pulled out his wand for protection, they ran out and immediately saw the fire and people being tortured. Aster made sure that Ginny and the twins were safe, shooting a few spells to knock back some people who were threatening them.

After minutes of hiding and running, there was a loud crackle and light shining in the sky. Aster leant and looked over the rock they were hiding behind to see a glowing green skull and snake. It looked familiar. Then she realized, it was on her father's arm, it was the Dark Mark.

"Fred," she gasped, trying to gain breath again, bending back down, "Fred," she took deeper breaths and felt her heart beating faster in her ears 

Fred held her shoulders and steadied her so he could see her face in the darkness of the night. He could see the terror and fear in her face. She was shaking, and he could tell clearly as her tears fell from her eyes. He was trying to speak to her but she couldn't say anything. 

"Fred, something is going to happen, and it's not good."


Aster, are you alright? I read the papers and what happened? Please be safe, I know you know what it means, but be safe and don't get in trouble. I mean it, do not get in trouble, Aster. Bad things are happening and you know that. Update me every week or sooner, I want to make sure you are safe.

Sincerely, R.J. Lupin

PS~ As for a name, I'm not sure, but your father and my friends used to call me Moony if that helps. Maybe not Señor Wolfy though.

Dear Señor Wolfy, everything is fine here! I promise everyone is okay and safe, I won't get into any (major) trouble. After all, you can't expect me not to pull a few pranks when you had the biggest pranksters of your time as your friends. I promise to update you and yes, I know bad things are coming and I will keep it to myself for the time being. That time is coming, be safe and don't hurt yourself.

Your favourite human-being, Aster

PS~ the chocolate was amazing, please send more


"It's a new year," Aster sang as they got off the train and headed to the carriages that were drawn by the skinny horses.

"Aster stop singing," Lance sighed as he got on, along with Cedric, "people are around us."

"So?" Aster laughed, shoving his shoulder a bit as he sat next to her. Fred and George, who were talking about some business with the shop started laughing loudly, "boys, boys, you're causing a scene," she smiled. "Lance can't handle it," she laughed as the younger, but taller, boy shoved her.

Once everyone gathered in the Great Hall and the new students got placed in their houses, Dumbledore had a few announcements. One made the twins quite angry, "that's rubbish," they yelled, causing Aster to look over at them and smile a bit.

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