Chapter 6

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Pranks Before School


"Fred, George," Ginny shrieked from the bottom of the stairs, face red with anger and dripping hair purple from the paint Fred and George pranked her with. "I'm going to rip your hair out if this doesn't come out," she roared and stomped up the stairs, the noise creaking with the weight being lifted off. Laughter can be heard from the staircase as they ran past Ginny who slashed an arm at them.

They quieted down once they saw Aster and took what they had in their hands, ready to set it on her, but she smelled the paint which was vastly different to the scent that was there earlier.

"Don't you dare," Aster warned not turning around and closed her book on charms she was reading, making the twins stop, "put down the buckets," she said turning around to the twins putting down pails of paint.

"How did you know we had stuff?" Fred asked slumping his shoulders in defeat.

"I don't know, you tell me," Aster grinned with her answer, "but really, do you really want to start a war with me," she threatened, narrowing her eyes at the two.

"No, but really tempted now," George started, "what's the worst that could happen?" He asked Fred who looked at Aster, who wore a face that they knew they shouldn't mess with.

"Nothing Georgie," Fred said, "which is why we should get a better plan."

Fred and George were walking down the stairs as the first attack hit, puffs of yellow and black coming out of nowhere, shrieks and startled screams filled the stairwell. Aster smiled as her plan worked, the boys stumbled into the living room and coughed out the colourful they huffed out in spurts of yellow and black. The two spotted the innocent look on Aster's face before giving her a deadpan look.

"Finally seeing the true winner?" Aster said smiling innocently, "Don't suppose you'll give up now, yeah?"

"Never," the twins chanted, walking away to their rooms, plans already running through their heads. Molly entered just as they left, seeing their faces, she smiled.

"A letter came for you," Molly sat next to Aster, handing her a letter with a familiar wax seal she saw a year before. "Never told us it was your birthday, did you?"

"I forgot," Aster shrugged as she took the envelope and opened it, inside was the list of things she needed to gather in Diagon Alley for the coming school year.

"Forgot it was your birthday?" Molly gasped, "oh well that won't do, we should celebrate, get you gifts like a real birthday should," Molly said in her usual happy voice.

"No, really Mrs Weasley," Aster objected, "being here is really all I need," she admitted with a small smile, "nothing else is needed." Molly nodded, but she thought wrong.

Suddenly Aster felt her back become cold as some liquid ran down her back. She gasped as Molly's face turned red with laughter and anger mixed in. Aster turned to the twins who held buckets over her that still held dripping red and gold paint. Another splotch landed on her head and Aster's face turned stale.

"This is not over," Aster said unusually calmly, "but nice try guys."


"Aster," Molly called from the kitchen, in response, Aster called back and started walking down the stairs from her and Ginny's room.

She walked into the kitchen where she found the Weasley family gathered around the table with a cake in the centre, yellow with purple writing on the top spelling out: Happy Birthday Aster. Aster gasped and looked around to see the family with wide smiles, each holding a gift in their hands, all various sizes. The room smelled like freshly baked cake with candy and tea mixed together.

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