Chapter 9

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A Weasley Christmas


Hey Ron, I guess I am staying with you then, can't really argue with Dumbledore, or your mother for that matter. I can't wait to see you and the rest of your family, I'm glad that everyone is excited. How is Bill with his job? And how are Ginny and you doing, I hope everything is okay at the Burrow. Classes are getting a bit hectic at the moment, taking a bit of a toll on me, but I'll be fine. I can't believe you're going to be coming next year with us! It'll be fun! ~Aster


There was a Quidditch match that afternoon, Gryffindor verse Slytherin. Everyone was gathering in the Quidditch field, climbing the stands, fighting to get a good seat. Aster sat with Lucy in the Hufflepuff decorated area waiting for Madam Hooch to start the game.

At last, the game started and the bludgers and quaffles were let out. The team zoomed through the sky, making heads whip around. George was admittedly amazing at playing Quidditch, he hit the ball away from the seeker countless times so that they could have the chance to catch the snitch. Fred was also as good as George, having a sort of communication with George trying to form a plan whenever the other team crossed them.

She specifically watched the twins the entire time, worried that she would find one of them off their broom or be getting a bludger to their head. Lucy saw her worry for them and nudged her in the side lightly.

"They'll be fine," Lucy whispered trying to comfort her, as one of the twins sped past with another beater chasing after them with anger. "You saw how he hit that bludger and struck it towards the other, the twins are brilliant," she mused as the Gryffindor team scored again.

Angelina Johnson scores and earns Gryffindor the lead. Soon the snitch is released, causing the seekers to go crazy and zoom towards the spot of gold flying in the air. Aster spotted a bludger going towards the Gryffindor seeker, which Fred had also spotted and went to hit it out of shot. He flew and flung himself to the bludger and hit it towards the opposing player. 

Slytherin team shot a quaffle through one of the hoops, which the keeper had failed to block. Cheers came from the green and silver stripped box. The Slytherin's beater tried to shoot for the seeker once again, missed perfectly, it was dodged and went through one of the stands that were standing high from the ground. 

The Slytherin and Gryffindor seekers were going head-to-head to get the snitch, both moving faster and faster to the ground. Then, with the help of the other Gryffindor players, you could soon hear the victory cries from the Gryffindor stands.

"Gryffindor wins!" Lee Jordan yelled into the magic microphone.

Everyone filed out to meet the victors of the nights' match, Aster walked into the gold and red tent with Lucy behind her. She spotted Fred and George cheering on their team's seeker, Fred noticed Aster and beckoned her over, getting Lucy's attention, they walked through the crowd of people and finally got to the twins.

"Nice job guys, you did amazing," Aster said, having to raise her voice a bit so they could hear her over the people cheering.

"Yeah, she was so worried about you two everytime you hit a bludger or dodged one," Lucy said, nudging Aster in the side, "almost passed out one time."

"Did not," Aster growled, pushing Lucy a bit, she looked at her feet for a good minute before realizing that she dazed for a minute. She shook her head and look at the twins who looked at her with concern, she gave them a smile, "I'm so proud of you guys."

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