Chapter 38

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Everything Good Doesn't End Good


"Expecto Patronum," Aster said a bit louder than the next, there wasn't much except a wisp of white. She shook her head and thought of something happier, she thought of her mother giving her her first violin, "Expecto Patronum," it faulted to a wisp of white once again. Harry noticed her trouble and made his way towards her.

"Aster," Harry walked beside her, "a Patronus is being with the Weasleys, having fun with their pranks and jokes, when you first asked Fred out, it's living with Lupin after school and working with the twins at their joke shop and playing your violin," he told her, Aster nodded and felt a smile on her face. "It's knowing that we can visit Sirius now, it's perfecting a new charm you've been working on or finishing a new book, getting a letter from Remus knowing he's okay and him sending a bit of chocolate," she nodded and held her wand up, "it's finally realizing that you have a family, that we're your family."

"Expecto Patronum," Aster confidently says as she flicked her wand and a wave of white flew out of it. A lengthy and short animal sprung out and started circling her and the twins. She thanked Harry and jumped in glee for creating it.

"Is that a Weasel?" Fred teased, crossing his arms across his chest looking at the shorter girl he admired, "guess we should be flattered."

"Don't be too flattered," she looked to her Patronus, "it's a Stoat," she smirked as the white animal trotted across the room, earning a congratulation from Harry.

"Same thing," he said ruffling Aster's hair.

But every good thing usually has a downside at some point. The room began to shake and all the white animals disappeared as the lights flickered. Fred gripped Aster's hand as they all gathered together, Harry grabbing a younger student as the wall burst open. Umbridge found them and everyone there thought the same thing when they set eyes on her: Detention.

But it wasn't a normal detention. Umbridge used a quill that writes in the user's blood, leaving an almost permanent scar on their hand.

"It's already fading off," George calmly said to the young student. After detention Aster and the twins found a first-year crying over his hurt hand.

"You can hardly see ours anymore," Fred added, showing him the light faded scar.

"Here," Aster said softly, taking his hand and grabbing her wand, "I can help sooth the pain." She waved her wand lightly over his hand and the redness passed over and the boy stopped sniffling. Harry passed them and paused when he saw the pink woman standing at the end of the corridor.


"I will see you guys after school, right?" Aster asked before they set off on their broom.

"We promise," they smiled, holding out their pinkie for her to hold.

"I'll see you outside," she smiled as they started to fly up and head out to the Great Hall. Once they passed the corner, she turned around with the items in her hand and started running outside to where she said she'd meet them.

Loud explosions and roars could be heard outside as cheers and screaming sounded down the hall. Soon students came running out after the twins. Holding up the fireworks, the twins quickly take them from Aster's hand and fly out into the air. They throw the firework, creating a giant fiery W.


"Luke," Aster greeted the next morning, "hows things?"

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