Chapter 16

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"You did what," Aster barked, standing up out of her seat. Ron and Hermione sat in the hospital wing in the neat beds. "Ronald," she growled, narrowing her eyes before her gaze softened, "I'm glad you're alright though," she muttered, hugging the red-headed boy.

Ron hugged her back with a smile before Madam Pomfrey told them it was time to leave the wing, and that the two were able to leave, "Oh, Ms Fiore," she stopped Aster, "here," she slid a bar of chocolate into her hand and smiled, "keep up with it."

"I will, thank you," Aster nodded with her smile, "have a good day," she waved as she exited.

"I hope Harry is okay," Hermione muttered as they walked out of the hospital. "I can't believe we left him alone," she blamed.

"I'm sure he's okay and will be back in an hour," Aster assured Hermione who was wiping her face. Aster saw this and swung an arm around her, "Harry is a smart kid, I promise you that he will be okay."


"This year was so fast," Lance sighed as they started eating, "you starting going out with Fred, I passed all my classes, Harry practically killed a teacher, it's a wonder, really."

"Oh shut it," Aster smiled her soft smile as she looked to the other table with the Gryffindors. She waved at Ron who gave a bright smile, Percy waved as well and sent a chain reaction as the twins did so as well. She laughed to herself as she turned back to Lance, "wicked year."

"Yeah," Lance sighed as he played with his soup, "what about when you leave?"

"Lance, don't worry about that we still have years, and even then, you can hang out with Ron and Ginny when she comes as well."

"This is what I get for making friends," Lance complained as he grabbed a chicken wing from the platter, "they leave me forever."

"Stop being dramatic," Aster laughed as she hit his shoulder.


The five got off the train and got their luggage, dragging it behind them as they searched for their parents. Lucy hugged Aster and ran off to her parents, then Lance, which left the twins Percy Ron and Aster. After a few seconds, they find the rest of the red-haired family, Ginny ran up to Aster and squeezed her in a hug as Ron said goodbye to Harry.


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