Chapter 29

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Siding With Harry Isn't Always Easy


"It's not going to work," Hermione sang as the boys got ready to jump in the ageing line.

"Hermione, only saying something won't work, will make them do it more," Aster sighed with a smile as the boys test her doubt.

As they jumped in, nothing happened, but when they placed their names in the goblet, they were sent back by a wave. As they sat up from the fall, along greying beard grew on their faces and their once red hair turned grey and white. Laughter echoed as they started fighting, as Aster went to help them up and bring them to Madam Pomfrey, the laughter stopped and footsteps could be heard. Viktor Krum entered his name into the goblet.


"Viktor Krum," Dumbledore's voice echoed through the Great Hall as he read the paper that came out of the flaming cup. Then the next one came out, "Fleur Delacour," he read next and waited for the last name to come out, "Cedric Diggory."

Aster cheered for her close friend as she patted it back and he walked up. However, it wasn't all how it went planned. The goblet lit once more with fire, this time red, causing everyone to back up in their seats. As the paper came out, there was a long pause as Dumbledore looked at the paper than at the crowd of students, his voice rang clearly and louder.

"Harry Potter."


"Lance, I know this would have been good for us Hufflepuffs to get some recognition, but don't you think that maybe it wasn't him who put it in?" Aster cried as she argued with her close friend, "Harry wouldn't be able to put his name in there and you know it," she sniffled before turning away and going to her dorm.

The month was harsh on everyone's friendship if they knew the trio, whether the person sided with Harry or not, there was tension between the two houses. And Aster hated it with a burning passion. Ron and Harry were on off terms and her being on Harry's side hurt when Ron ignored her whenever she was with Harry.

"Harry," Aster muttered, walking up to him on the bridge as he looked off to the deep, narrow, rock, "you know I believe you, right?" She softly said, "I don't think you put your name in the goblet."

Harry turned to her with an annoyed face but soon relaxed as he saw her, "thank you, Aster," he sighed and looked back down. "I found out what the first task is," he told her with a nod, "it's dragons."

"Do you know how to deal with it?" Aster asked, concerned knowing that this could end badly.

"Nope, I don't suppose you have an idea," he looked at her with hope in his eyes and brightened as she nodded.

"You can fly, can't you?"

"I can only have my wand," Harry shook his head.

"But use Accio," she told him, "and be safe, you know Harry if you die from this, I will kill you."


"Ms Fiore, what's the next curse," Professor Moody asked, his magical eye pointing at other students. Aster shook her head, feeling disturbed and uncomfortable, "come on, you know it." Moody placed the spider on her desk and waited for her to say it.

"Crucio," she muttered, earning an approving nod from the teacher, "to send agonizing pain to the victim." Moody nodded as he sent the curse and caused the spider to shriek in pain. Aster looked away and saw Fred give her a more than concerned look, he looked sorrowful.

"Yeah, yeah, of course, you'd know that one," Moody said once he released the spell, "and the last one?" He asked Aster, she denied to say it and after two minutes of waiting, Moody sent the spell quickly, killing the spider in front of her. "Avadakadavra, the killing curse and only one ever survived," he said sending a chill down her spine.


"I can't believe you still don't believe him," Aster said in a frustrated tone, "Lance do you really think he would help Cedric if he didn't like him?" Lance was silent as his badge changed from Cedric's face to Harry's face. "Please talk to me when you have your head on right," Aster growled. Aster stomped off out of the common room and into the kitchens to find the twins to empty her mind with a prank or two.


"Good luck, Harry," she hugged the boy, "please be safe," she muttered into the hug.

"I will, and I'll be back unharmed, don't worry," he smiled to the girl who seemed like his sister, "just be cheering."

"Of course," she smiled back before leaving to sit in the stands with Fred, which was placed next to McGonagall. Aster smiled politely at the older lady as she stood next to Fred and waited for the task to start. Once it started, she watched them all carefully and began to feel worried for Harry and Cedric. Aster looked around and saw McGonagall watching the dragon threw her small looking glasses to see the champion better. "Wow, professor," Aster smiled smugly as she stood next to her to talk to her better, "I really hope this task doesn't drag-on."

McGonagall slowly put down her glasses and looked at her, "what?"

"The crowd sure is fired up today, huh?" Aster continued, "really roaring up out there, really thundering." 

"Ms Fiore, go sit back down with Weasley," she strained her voice as she tried not to smile. 

"Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to get you so heated," she laughed as she resumed her position next to Fred who was now cheering for Viktor Krum.

Then it was Harry's turn, and Aster was cheering louder than ever. With Hermione cheering along and supporting him, the twins fired up and cheering on the dragon as well, she felt like he would get this, even with this little bit. Not until he wasn't in the arena anymore, however.

"Harry," Aster whimpered, looking in the sky for him, Fred grabbed her hand in comfort as a spot appeared and showed Harry coarsely riding his broom. As he grabbed the golden egg, he proudly took it and the crowd roared with excitement.

"Aster," someone said behind her as she walked back to the castle. She turned around to see Lance awkwardly walking behind her, "I'm sorry," he said, looking as if he was about to cry, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have avoided you."

Aster walked up to the boy and hugged him, "hey, it's fine, you just weren't sure what to think, it happens."

"But, it still doesn't give me the right to do that to you, I know how it feels to be ignored, and it's not the best," he sadly said, "I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's all okay," she promised him.


It was December and the time of the Yule Ball was rolling around, making all the girls giggle and guys nervous about asking others out. With Harry and Ron having trouble finding dates and Lance not being able to find a guy, Aster was trying to encourage all of them to ask someone out. However, Aster thought her and Fred were already going since they were dating, and they made sure of it, but Fred wanted to make sure everyone knew that who was taking her.

Once breakfast as everyone gathered into the Great Hall one by one, Fred watched at the number of students arriving and wanted to make sure a bunch of people showed up. But once he saw that a majority of each house was there he stood up and cleared his throat loudly, gaining everyone's attention.

"Fred, what are you doing?" Aster said in a hushed voice, "Fred."

"Hold on," he smiled down at her. "I'd like to make an announcement," he called to everyone, "Aster Fiore, here, is my date to the ball, just to make that clear, no one else is allowed to take her, she's mine," he nodded and sat back down, George dramatically clapping his hands with a smile.

"Beautiful speech that was," George mused as Fred nodded and high-fived him, "nicely done, brother."


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