Chapter 27

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Just A Hobby


"Mrs Weasley I'm sure that it'll be fine," Aster objected to the woman who tried to convince her to have a proper birthday party, "really, just having a nice relaxing day with you guys is all I need."

"Are you sure dear?" Molly said hesitantly, "I could make a cake and get you a present."

"No, it's more than alright, you don't have to go through the hassle of baking."

"Dear, it's no hassle," Molly laughed, "please let me do something for you, after all, you do help out more than needed around here."

"Fine, but would you let me help you bake, I can teach you how to bake a cake the muggle way," Aster tilted her head in question and Molly smiled.

"Sure, sweets," she agreed, placing her hand on Aster's shoulder and hugging her. Aster smiled and placed her arms around Molly, she felt at home, more than ever, she felt like everything was set.

"Oh, Molly, that goes in this bowl," Aster smiled before Molly had put the strawberries in the wrong place, "we want to make sure they get in the entire cake." Molly smiled and poured them in the bowl where she was also mixing them in.

"This is quite fun," Molly smiled looking over to Aster who had pink cake mix in her hair, highly contrasting from each other, "I see why you chose this."

"Yeah, my mother and I used to bake cakes together all the time for her business," Aster smiled back as she helped mix the batter.

"What was the business?"

"Well, it was just anything that had to do with sweet things, so she made candy, cakes and desserts," Aster told her, "my aunt runs the store now."

"That's why she called you sweets then?" Molly asked Aster nodded looked over at her, noticing that she was the same height as Molly.

"Yeah, and honestly, I think I'm happy with you calling me that," she said looking back at the batter, "it makes me feel at home."

Once they were done and the frosting was made when the cake cooked, they decorated the cake and called the rest of the family, who were warned to stay out of the kitchen, back in to have some. Soon Percy, Ginny, Ron and the twins came down one at a time, well, besides the twins.

"Mum, I'll be going to the ministry," Percy announced as he stood up causing everyone's attention to him and Molly.

"Very well dear," she said almost heartbreaking, "be safe," she waved goodbye and was about to hug him, but too soon as he left already. Aster held her breath and looked at her sadly as a look settled on her face. "Oh, must be important," she waved off, sitting back down and taking a bite of the cake, "we should bake like this more often."

"I'd love that," Aster said warmly with a comforting smile, placing a hand over the mother's arm.

Aster played her violin, something she hadn't done in so long, and it felt relieving. She was finally able to play without interruptions or anyone listening. Since she was standing outside of the Burrow at one in the morning. Although alone in the vicinity, Fred sat underneath his tree and listened along with the song as she played, humming the familiar tune she heard her play other times.

From the distance, he could see the gold stream wrapping around her like a snake or river. As she played, it almost covered her until she ended the song slowly, with the stream receding back into the violin.

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