Chapter 42: First Fall of snow.

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"Daddy, what's that white thing falling inside the TV?"

"That's snowflakes, snow sweetie."

"smowplakes? smow?"

"Yes, snow."

"Will I be able to see them daddy?"

He chuckled at her pouting.

"Didnt you know back at my place it snows?"


She hugged his legs and start shaking them. And he carries her in his arms.

"I will sweetie. I promise that."

Fuck promises.

We are still standing at our places. Looking at each other eye to eye, head to toe.

"You've grown, soo fast..."

I scoffed at his remarks.

"Why do you expect me to be the same girl before you left?"

His eye sadden but I kept my cold.
If only Eunwoo wasn't here, I could have already beat his ass.

"Appa, she help me bring me to appa."

He gave Eunwoo his eye smile.

"She's a nice person, right?"

Eunwoo nodded.

"If you dont mind I'm going back."

I took two steps away but he called me again.

"Naeun, wait!"

I just looked at him with no reaction and he putted down Eunwoo.

"Can we talk?"

I didn't answer and he exhaled before speaking again.

"H-how were you and your mother?"

"how was I? well it wasn't that bad when we thought you were dead when they declared you were missing. I haven't eaten for months to take care of my own mother!"

"Naeun, let me explain. I-"


He was cutted off by a young woman running from behind.


Eunwoo started running towards her and jumped in her arms.

"Eunwoo, I thought we lost you. Don't go on your own ever again."

After she said that she looked to me.

"Who's this?"

'Dad'was hesistating to answer or not but I answered.

"I'm just a student that helped your child return to his family. Isn't that a bad thing leaving your children alone? good thing I saw him. "

They looked at me cluelessly from what I said.

"Well with that Imma go back to my class."

I turned around and was about to have another step. But he called me again, and let his girl go along with Eunwoo first to 'thank' me.

"Naeun.. I....  I'm sorry. I-"

"Stop, it's too late for apologizing"

"But please, listen what I have to say-"

"I don't have time to listen, I have to go."

"Naeun please!! Give me a moment. you just have to listen!"

"NO! okey, I am done. I have suffered too much already. And did you know that? of course no!!
I dont want to keep waiting on for nothing. why don't you just return to your own family?! I guess you were happier there. Wasn't it easy to leave me and mom alone? so why don't you do it again?!"

My tears that I was holding ran down my cheeks as if they were waterfalls. I let him face my back but it felt like all my energy drained down went I shouted at him. Why am I like this? I should go now but my body isn't moving.

"Naeun please-"

He was about to grab my wirst but a shadow stood infront of me.

"Sir, she already told you to stop and let go."


I finally bought some extra hot packs for me and Naeun.
I went back to the place where Naeun is supposed to be standing but she wasn't there. I even asked Chae or Aly on where she went but they didn't saw her.

I started panicking on where could she be. Then I heard crying of a kid. I followed the sound and see a crying boy with Naeun.

She calmed the boy down and told him that she will help him.

Cute, I wish to see that everyday..

She then held the boys hand and followed the directions the boy pointed. I quietly followed behind them and hid behind the trees.

Then I saw the boy running to the man. Expected that it was it's father. I smiled at the father and son moment but when I looked at Naeun, her eyes widen and her mouth ajar. She then gripped her skirt very tightly.

The atmosphere became cold all of a sudden. And I overheard they're conversation. I was hesistating to get in there or at the right or bad moment.But my instincts took me in front of her.

"Sir, she already told you to stop and let go."

The man looked weirdly in front of me.

"Who are you?"

"I am her boyfriend that took care of her when someone she needed and wanted to see wasn't there for her. Now will you excuse us, we're leaving."

I held her hand and drag her away from him.

He kept calling her name but she had her head hanging low.

They place of the buses we rode were still later far awag we were from. With that, the walk was quiet.

I could stand it so I broke the quietness and stood in front of her and level my head to hers.

"You okey?"

she didn't answered but avoided my eyes. I dragged her again to one of the benches. She quickly sat and hugged her knees. Then I only heard her sniffing and having hiccups from crying.

"Among all the people in the world. Why do I have to see him?"

She whined. she finally had her head up and face me. Her eyes were swollen and turning red and her face was wet in tears.

"He had the guts to even talk to me... even let me see his family... should have known he was already happy. He just left mom for them. I knew it! I shouldn't have been soo stupid!! I even believed he would come back for us!! I kept on expecting too much!! Why does this has to happen?! why is my life like this!!I'm so stupid! I'm such a-"

I wrapped my arms around her. she did shut up. I heard her heart beating too fast but gently went slow.

I caressed her hair and let her head on my chest. Then snowflakes gently fall from the sky, leaving some on her hair, one by one. And the cold wind passes by with a little folg.

"shh, your not stupid."

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