Chapter 19: New Friend

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The little was running away from the house to the streets in the middle of. the night. Her feet were already starting to hurt since she was barefooted.  She then tripped then a car stop behind her. She tried to get up but her knees hurt so bad. "Trying to get away aren't you?!". The man pulled her hair and dragged her to the car. "Nooo!! Please Uncle let me go!!!" She said crying and trying to get off. "QUIET YOU LITTLE RASCAL!!!" he then threw her in the trunk of the car. "UNCLE!! LET ME OUT!! LET ME OUT!!"

"Noo!!!" I woke up in the middle of the night already sitting down on the bed. "It was a dream" I said rubbing my face. "Another nightmare?" I looked and Jimin oppa was there beside me. "Sorry to scare a little, I was just watching you... incase this happens." He said and putted his hands in his pockets. I looked around and I was already at the dorm in Jungkook's room again. "Oppa, can I have skme water?" I said. "Sure, I'll go get you some." He said amd went out the room. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and came back to the bed. I checked my phone and It was 2 am. "Here you go." Jimin said handled me a glass of water. "Shouldn't you be resting oppa?" I said to him. "Well I should be but.." he said and sat down in front of me on the bed. "Jungkook told me what happened." He said and patted my lap. "I'm sorry. ." I said and looked down. "Aniyo, it's fine. At least he save you there." He smiled. "Lay down again, and try to sleep." He said and I did what he told me. He was about to get back to his seat but I grabbed his hand. "Oppa, can you lay down beside me?" I said. "Sure." I moved to the side to give him space and he layed down beside and I layed my head to his chest and he wrpped his arms around me. "Jja, lets sleep." He patted my head and rested his chin there. And I closed my eyes again feeling more safer.


I was putting back my books in my locker and getting ready for lunch. Then Yoongi texted me. 'Ahh do you have to get to the store to get food? Hurry up!' I smiled and replied back, 'Aigoo, I'm coming already!' I smile to myself. "Having fun texting him?" A voice said I got startled that I quickly closed my locker but my collar got stuck. "Oh it's just you." I said as I took out my collar and looked to Alexandra.  But then she just went out. "What was that for?" I said and I went to the canteen with Jihyun.

"Soo Naeun,  texted me she gonna sleep at the house already." I told him. "Really?! I cant wait." He smiled. The boys were already on their table then we sat near them. "Ohh Dawn what happened to your collar?" Jin saw and pointed at it all crumple. "Ahh it got stuck at my locker a whole ago." I said trying to fix it. "Aigoo why soo clumsy?" Yoongi said giving me food. "Ahh why treat me again?! I haven't even treated you yet!" I said to him. "I don't know, because I want to." He said and sat down. "Aigooo love birds!! Jimin help me!" Jin said hitting Jimin. "Ahh wae hyung?!"

Alexandra was about to walk this way then Jin call her. "Hey, sit with us!!" He said waving at her. But she went the other way when she saw Jimin.  "Oh I just got rejected" Jin said as he lower his hand.  "Ahahahah hyung got rejected" Jimin laughed at him. "Aish you two shut up." Yoongi said and they argued quietly. Something is really fishy.


Jihyun and I were heading home and saw Naeun running towards the house. "Naeun-ah!!" Jihyun said and hugged her. "Oppa!!" She said.  "Aigoo that's the smile I really missed." I said and went closer to them. "Unnie!!" Then Jihyun whispered something to her then she blushed. "Yah!! Saying inappropriate things to her?! Stop it!!" I shouted at them and they laughed.

"Unnie, you got a lot to tell me don't you?" She innocently smiled at me. I had to think a little on what she meant till I got it. "PARK JIHYUN YOU'RE DEAD!!!!!!!" I chased him in the house till he hid in his room. "Your not gonna be in there forever!!" I banged his door. "So do you!!" He answer back."Unnie come on tell me already!" Naeun said dragging me to her room. "Ugh fine."

She jumped on her bed and I sat beside her. "Ahh I missed this comfy bed." Me and Naeun always talked about me and Yoongi, she gets excited about everything we do.

"Unnie, hurry up,  anything new today?" She said. I shaked my head, "but something is bothering me." Her brows crashed together. "What is it?" She asked. "Yoongi's sister is acting cold to me but when she comes with the boys she gets shy." I told her. "Like how?". "Whenever she comes she goes to the other way." Then I went close to her ear and whispered. "I think she is in to Jimin." Her eyes then opened wide and she was about to shout but then I covered her mouth and then let go. "What?!! JIMIN OPPA?! how?!" She lower her voice. "Whenever they have a eye to eye something like that she walks away immediately." I said to her. "Unnie, why don't you ask her." She said. "Ehh me, now way." "Why not?" "Cause I don't know, she is kinda cold to me." I shrugged. "Eh? Why?" She asked. And I shrugged my shoulders.

Maybe I should try and ask her.


School was already finished and yes same same has happened.  But what Naeun said to me last night kept on repeating on my head. What if I give it a try?. I gain confidence and went to her while she was fixing her stuff talking to her friends.

"Alexandra!" I said and she looked at me weirdly. I got a little shocked at her reaction but acted cool getting closer to her. "Is there something you want? Dawn?" She said and arched her brow. "Well, I just gonna ask a question." The place went quiet and then I smirked at her. "Do you..... like.... Park....Ji-" she suddenly dragged me to a corner. "Umm guys you go first!! Bye!" She said. "Can I finish my-" she put her finger on my mouth. "Shhh how do you know?!" She said in a whisper tone looking if there's people in the room with us but there was non, then she closed the door. "So you do like Jimin" I said smiling. "Can you please just stop mentioning his name?!" She said. "Fine. But why?" She inhales and exhales loudly. "Well, he was my crush since my brother introduced me to him." She said shyly.  "Want me to help you?" I said. "Tsk, what are you talking about, he is  a idol." "But I'm dating your brother." She then bit her hand. "Well.... what... that... what ever you are thinking won't happen.... he has.... lot of fans.." she excuse herself. "That's why I'll help you." "Do you even know what you are doing?!" She still refuses. "Yah, my cousin is his sister" she corrected me. "step sister." "Still the same. Cause you are like a lost lamb whenever he is there." She poked her cheek with her tongue.  "Fine, but you promise me that?" She finally accepts. "Yes of course,  Naeun will also help." We both smiled at each other and got ready to go home. "Oh Alexandra!" I called her. "Please just call me Alexa." She said. "Umm Alexa,  why were you kinda cold to me before?" She smiled. "Just cause.." she said and walked ahead. What's that suppose to mean. "Hey, wait up!" I ran to her but tripped. I looked at the surface but it was soo clear. I look at my shoelaces but neatly tied. "Thats what my brothers says clumsy" she laugh and lead me her hand and got up. Aishh that was embarrassing. ...

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