Chapter 16: Curious

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Naeun and I were walking to the bus stop. The streets were kind of dark and some parts were lighten by the street lights. And also very quiet so I decided to listen to music with my earphones. Then I realized that Naeun was kind of acting weird. She kept on looking back behind us while walking. I look back to where she was looking and saw nothing. "Are you okay?" I asked her but no response. She was shaking a little and bitting her lip. Every second she keeps looking back. Which make me more curious. I put my arm around her and she look at me. "Hajima, we're almost there." I said to calm her down. Not sure if it worked,  but she seemed like to come down. We rode the bus, it was getting really late. Good thing manager-hyung told the members. The bus was kind of empty and I sat at the sit on the other side after Naeun sat at the left side. She kept looking back again and her hands were shaking. "Jungkook-ah, c- can you sit beside me?" She said and her voice was shaky. "S- sure" I said and sat down beside her. The bus wasn't leaving yet but the driver decided to already. I was playing with my phone and something heavy on my shoulder. I looked at Naeun sleeping peacefully at my shoulder, I felt like someone was with us, I looked around the bus but it was only the driver ready to drive. Then I looked at the window, a man wearing all black with mask and a hat. The bus drove to the road, and then the man took of his mask and gave me a weird smile. We looked at each other, eye to eye, then he walked away and the bus went. Weird and very strange...

I woke up Naeun since we arrive near our dorm. We went down and started walking again. I check on her cause if not Jimin hyung will kick my ass, if lost her. She was rubbing her eyes trying to wake herself up. Then there was a convenience store in front of us. "Are you hungry?" I asked her and she gave me a weird look. "What do you mean?" She said. I laughed a little, "We both haven't ate anything, why don't we pass by the store." I pointed at the store. "Ahh okay then." She said we went in. She was looking around while I was making the noodles and cracked the eggs. I think she was finished roaming around, she sat outside at one of the tables. I then I payed for our food and brought them out to Naeun. She was looking at her phone yawning and put on her coat, since winter was coming. "Okey, now let's eat." I gave her, her noodles and she thanked me with soft voice.

We started eating and awkward silence came to the both of us. Once we finished, we walked once again to the dorm. She was warming herself with her hands and breathe in and out. "Ughh I hate when winter comes." She said and her cheeks were turning pink. "Why?" I asked. "Well my body isn't still used to this kind of season yet." She said. "Well same with me here, it wasn't this cold like in Busan if I recall." She gave me a 'really' look and just smile and I did also. She was still shaking so I decided and I took off my coat and put it on her shoulders and walked faster than her. "Hurry, before the hyungs will get mad at us." I said with I heard her footsteps stop. And then I was screaming in my head, ahhhh Jeon Jungkook, I cannot believe I just did that?!

We arrive at the front door and when I opened it the place was dark. "Oh the hyungs aren't here yet?" I whispered.  "Maybe they're asleep." Naeun said behind me. We tiptoed in the living room till the lights went on unexpectedly. We both saw an angry 'EOMMA JIN' with his arms crossed and his foot tapping. "Hyung?!" "Jin oppa?!" We both said in unison.

He closed his eyes and breath in. Oh no Rap Jin is coming...."WHERE WERE YOU BOTH BEEN?! YOU KNOW THAT I'VE WAITED FOR THE BOTH YOU TILL NOW?!" "But hyung, I told manager hyung that-" I was cut off. "YES, JEON JUNGKOOK, SEJIN HYUNG TEXTED US THAT YOU WILL BE A LITTLE LATE, A LITTLE LATE HE SAID!! AND LOOK WHAT TIME IT IS?! YOU GUYS COULD HAVE DIED IN COLDNESS BY NOW!!!" He breath in and exhaled so loud. "I'll slip this off, but if you guys come late again I will trap you guys in your rooms for a week. UNDERSTOOD?!" we both nodded, then Jimin hyung came out of his room. "Hyung your too loud, and isn't that too harsh for trapping them for that reason?" He said rubbing his eyes. He went to Naeun, and told Jin, "You should have asked if they have eaten something at this time." Jin was then shy, "oh yeah right sorry." Jin went back to his room to sleep. "You okey?" Jimin asked Naeun, "Yeah, just sleepy." Jimin let Naeun to her room and he went to me. "I smell noodles" he chuckled and smile, "come on lets rest already" He headlock me and headed to his room.

I finished washing myself up and I couldn't forget the man at the bus stop. I was dazing at the ceiling wondering why was he looking at me strangely. "Jungkook-ah, anything wrong?" Jimin asked when he saw me. "Nothing hyung, just tired." He nodded and turned off the lights and we drifted to sleep.


Class was gonna start, I was just sitting in my place, reviewing my books as the other students arrive. The classroom was full and the teacher comes in early. "Everybody settle down on your seats. We have a new student?" She said. Everybody in each row were becomig curious after the teacher told the news.
"Come in, please" the teacher then said. My breathing stops when I saw the person, there was no place to hide. What to do?! "Please introduce yourself." The teacher said and she bowed. "Hello everyone, my name is Alexandra Min, hoping that we will get along." She said an smiled. The students started whispering to each other.

"Min? Sounds familiar..."
"She looks like someone I know."
"Ahhh do think she is the.."

"Everybody quiet!! Alexandra? Ahh nae, please tell more about yourself." She nodded. "Well my name before was Min Yoona. But I changed it when I transfered in Australia." The students gasps and open their mouths wide in shocked.

"Min Yoona? Sister of BTS Suga?!"
"Wahh a lot of famous are here already?!!"

Wahh was she this well known?! As I was talking to myself I looked at her again, she was looking at everybody till her eyes suddenly stopped at me. It was like a staring contest. Then she gave me a smirk. "Please sit there A- alex.. um what should we call you?" The teacher laughed at herself. "Just call me Alexa." She chuckled and sat on her seat. Which was kind of far away from me. The problem is, we don't have an permanent seat plan....

The first period was over. I took all my stuff and ran to my locker. "Dawn-iya?!" A small voice called me and I almost tripped on my shoe. I looked back and saw Alexandra by the door. "The teacher said you should tour me around the campus." Why me?!

"Ahh really?! Umm come with me then, ah I'm heading to the lockers." I smiled awkwardly and she nodded. Ughh atleast I excluded in my next classes, they will be boring topics today thats why.

The tour was done, and yes, 100% awkward. The bell rang for lunch. "Oh it's lunch already.. umm wanna come?" I asked her. "Sure." Then silence entered between us again as we headed to the canteen.

We arrive there and Yoongi, Jin and Jimin were already there. Yoongi saw us coming and he spit out the water he was drinking to Jin. "Yahhh what are you doing?!" Jin said wiping himself. "Mianhae hyung." Yoongi coughed.  Jimin then saw us and quickly stood up. "Girls?! You're here early" he laughed awkwardly. "Ahhh right, cause the teacher wanted me to tour Alexandra around." I said. Alexandra sat beside Yoongi and put her bag down. "Ahh why sit next to me?!" Yoongi said with an annoyed face. "Why is it wrong?" She replied coldly. "Wahh these silbings hwahh" Jin said with his Ajusshi voice again. Yoongi pulled me and we took our lunch leaving the three awkward.

Later on, as we were fished eating, more students arrive to the canteen. Then Jihyun arrive, Jin first saw him and act weirdly a bit. Jimin saw it and looked where Jin was looking, he sighed and stood up taking his stuff. "Park Jimin." Jin said. "Hyung, I'm going first." He said in a low tone and left. Jihyun looked at us and gave us an looked saying that it was fine.

The same time different days this happens, the two brothers still haven't spoken to each other.

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