Our Nessa

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^^ If Ethan Grant fucking Dolan posts another picture that affects me, I'm done. 🙄 



Love is hard to find. And once you find that person who is your supposed "happily ever after", you don't forget them so easily.

After Grayson heard that Nessa died, he didn't believe in himself. He lost interest in everything: entertaining, laughing, making corny jokes with me—everything that made him...him.

A couple years ago, I remember when Grayson yelled Nessa's name in his sleep, afraid that someone was doing something bad to her. He was so scared; he would always text me to come to his house next door and he'd cry to me at four in the morning.

He missed Vanessa so dearly.

I hated seeing my twin brother cry. He's basically my everything, we've been here since my parents decided to make us, and to see him tear up made me tear up. I love him so much, more than I love myself sometimes.

But when a guy named Kaden contacted us, we were stunned. We didn't want to tell Grayson, we wanted him to find out himself.

And he did, and he was the happiest ever. I loved seeing my brother like this, he seemed so happy to see her again. He was back to the Grayson I knew and missed.

And look at him now, his bravery has grown enough for him to go and ask his girl to be his again.

And then they'll get married and they'll have more babies and Roni and I's children will have cousins and it's gonna be the time of our lives, the days we've been dreaming of.

I've gotta say, I'm really excited for the future.


Everything flashed in front of me once my twin sister came in that door. Memories of her, and us playing when we were children filled my inner thoughts.

Memories of us growing up together, loving each other more than we can ever imagine.

It sucks that I forgot about her so easily. And when I saw Annika, I instantly thought of another Nessa.

She's so gorgeous, just like Nessa, and she has Grayson's eyes. Her dark brown silky thick straight hair hits the middle of her back on her small body frame, making me wish I had that much hair as a child.

She immediately fell in love with us, and Grant especially. She loves babies, and she'd be an amazing big sister in the future.

Speaking of babies, my baby is coming towards me right at this moment. He takes my hands in both of his tiny little ones and smiles before saying, "Mommy?"

"Yes, baby?"

"I...love you," he says, his words making me gasp in shock. I hug him, giving him a big kiss on the cheek. He then stands up and walks to his toys, grabbing his favorite monkey.

I look over at Annika to see her smiling at me, "I taught him that," she says, smiling big, which show her two deep dimples she inherited from her mother.

"I know. You'd be a great big sister, you know that?" I say to her. She smiles at me, happy I said that. I spread my arms a little, signaling her to hug me. She giggles before she runs and engulfs me.

"I love you, Auntie Roni," she says on my shoulder.

"I love you too, Anni."

We separate from the hug as Ethan walks in the room, his face filled with worry.

He starts to walk closer to me, and takes my hands in his as he comes even closer to where I'm standing, "Roni?"


He breathes in a long breath before engulfing me entirely, "I love you, Roni."

"I love you too babe, but what's wrong?" I ask him. I take in the smell of his cologne, the scent I've fallen in love with so dearly in the past seven years.

He doesn't answer me, just rubs my back as if he's comforting me. He breathes a deep breath once again before saying one word, "Nessa."

"Nessa?" I say, trying to separate us from our hug. "What happened to her?"

A tear escapes from my husband's eye, as if it's a criminal wanting to let go of all of his emotions but can't because of its past; therefore running away from imprisonment.

He doesn't say anything. I get engulfed deeper by him, as if letting go of me would kill me.

He separates from our hug and looks into my eyes. I admire his brown eyes that look like soil with a hint of grass, the orbs that get me lost in them every time I give him eye contact.

He suddenly sets his lips on mine slowly and carefully, as if going harsh on me would hurt me.

I kiss my husband back, wondering what was going on and why he was acting so strange.

I forcefully stop the kiss and back away from him, "Ethan, tell me what's going on."

He sighs, tears finally coming out of his eyes, "I'm afraid our Nessa won't make it."


Hi hello, how are you?

I said I wouldn't post on this story but I did sooo...surprise! 

Kinda proud of this chapter so yay! Anyways, what do you think happened to Nessa? Is she okay?

Well, keep reading to find out!

Love you guys! 💕 


Xoxo,Umi 💜 

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