If I Do Die

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I look through the window to see my precious Muffin laying there, people working on her like she's a project no one can figure out.

I don't know what's happened to her, I wasn't there to see it. But one thing is for sure, she's lost her baby. The doctors haven't confirmed it, but it would be a miracle if the baby was still alive.

It's phenomenal how things go. Just today, she told me she was pregnant and now she's lost it. But my brother Ethan has taught me that everything is inevitable, and I've learned to accept what has happened.

And to be honest, even though it's not my baby...I still care. It's still a human being that was gonna be born, doesn't matter if it was from my sperm or not.

I'm not a heartless human being. I might be other things, but not heartless. It was still my love's baby, and I'd be sad if she lost it.

The doctor starts coming closer to me and I try to look at the expression on her face. I'm very intuitive when it comes to people, and I can easily read their expressions.

She comes closer to me and gives me a smile, which seemed to fool many people; but not me.

"Are you a guest of Vanessa Merrell?"

"Yes," I answer.

"Please come with me, I have some news for you," she says, walking off to what seems to be her office. I follow her and sit down on a desk chair. "I'm Annie, Vanessa's doctor. So, Mr.-"

"Dolan, Grayson Dolan."

"Mr. Dolan, what are you of Vanessa's?" she asks.

I ponder for a moment, thinking of what our relationship is, "I'm her fiance."

I mean it's the truth. I am still her fiance, even if she doesn't have the ring on her left ring finger at the moment. If Nessa didn't fall and I had come back maybe a minute before I did, a better ring would have been occupied on her special finger.

Yes, I went to the bathroom. But I also went back to the car to get her new ring.

"Well, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Good," I answer.

"Well," she starts. "Your fiance is gonna be okay."

I sigh a breath of relief, "Thank God."

"Although," Dr. Annie's face turns serious. "She's in a coma, and she's lost her baby. Because of this, she has a twenty percent chance of having a baby ever again."

My smile turns into a frown, "But you said she was fine."

"She is fine, she'll wake up soon," she smiles. "Don't worry about it. Stay strong and keep praying for her. You can do it, Grayson."

I smile at how nice she is to me, "Thank you."

"It's my job. I have to take care of my patients," she shrugs. "But you're welcome."

She gives me a warm smile before she stands up and starts heading for the door. I follow her, going outside the room to see Ethan and Roni, with Grant in her hands and Annika trailing behind them.

"What happened to her? Is she okay?" asks Roni. Tears are visible in her eyes as she starts to sit down in the waiting room chairs.

"She's lost her baby," I state. "And she's currently in a coma. But the doctor said that she is gonna be okay."

"Baby?" asks Annika.

"Yes, her baby. But everything will be alright, okay?" I tell her. She nods before sitting down in the seat next to Roni.

"Calm down Auntie Roni, Daddy said Mommy's gonna be fine," she says to Roni. Roni looks at her and smiles before hugging her.

"Thank you, Anni," she says. Anni smiles at her before sitting back down in her chair beside Grant. She starts to play with him and Grant's cute laughter fills the tension-filled room.

"Hey bro," I hear Ethan say to me. "We went to your house because Annika wanted her iPad, and we saw this on the side table."

He hands me a paper with 'To: Bebe' and 'From: Your Muffin' on the front.

I look at him and he shrugs, not knowing what it was. But as soon as I open it, I'm met with Nessa's neat handwriting.

Dear Grayson,

I had another lucid dream after meeting you, and it was about someone pushing me off of a cliff, which caused me to lose my baby. It felt so real that I had to tell you about it.

I had this dream before I knew that I was pregnant, and after I found out that I was...it scared me so much.

I knew it was gonna happen. I also had a feeling that I was going to die from this. Even if the drop was only fifty feet, I feel like my death day has come.

So when I overheard you talking to Ethan about the date spot being a cliff, I knew this was gonna happen. So I decided to write you this in case I do die.

If I do die, I want you to know that I love you more than you can imagine. My love for you never left, even if there was another man I could've loved and I could've forgotten about you; but I didn't. I'm thankful I didn't because you are the best man I have ever laid my eyes on. You're the sweetest, the funniest, and the most handsome man I have ever met. Thank you for being the best partner for me. I hope we're together in our next lives as well.

If I do die, I want you to take care of Annika like we both do combined. Never make her feel that her mother is no more, but do tell her that her mother loves her any chance you get. I know you can do that for me, can't you?

If I do die, please take care of my sister Roni. She's been with me since day one and she's my better half, and even though we separated and I thought that she was no more — my love for her never faded. I had a feeling inside of me that she would return, and she did. Please tell her that I love her and that I'll meet her again in a better place.

If I do die, please tell Ethan that I love him as a best friend and a brother. He's always been there for all of us, and I'm so thankful that I can call him my best friend and brother in law. Please tell him to take care of the four of you like he always does.

I might be overreacting, but I do have a feeling that it's my time. Know that I love you, and please tell the others that I do as well.

I've gotta go, you're calling me to get ready. I love you so much.

Nessa <3

I look up at Ethan and Roni, my eyes teary, "She had a feeling that she was gonna die."


I love crying!1!1!

Love you guys! 

Umi 💜

(Dedicated to lovingdorrell for reminding me to post it and being an amazing friend to me. Love you Izzah! <3)

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