Yellow Flowers

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Song for chapter: "Lucid Dreams" - JUICE WRLD
[I still see your shadows in my room. Can't take back the love that I gave you.]

(Info on how to get to my Spotify at the bottom! Also, swipe for song or picture! :))



The smell of nature surrounds me as I look around to find the smallest hint to tell me where I am.

But I see nothing; nothing but a field of yellow flowers surrounding me.

As I attempt to look around more, I hear sounds of someone rushing past flowers.

I kneel down at the same level of the flowers and look towards the sound.

My eyes meet with almost identical hazel ones.

I recognize those eyes instantly. My daughter.

She looks at me with a frown, her beautiful eyes glossy with tears dangerously close to coming out.

I frown from seeing her like this. "What happened, baby?"

She looks at the ground, where her feet are supposed to be but aren't because of the numerous yellow flowers covering them. "I can't find mommy."

I stand up and bring her closer to my body, giving her a soothing hug. "We'll find her, Anni."

I look around, trying to look for my love and my daughter's mother. But I see nothing; nothing but a field of yellow flowers.

But I don't give up. I will keep trying to look for the reason my daughter and I are alive at the moment. The reason I am not buried under the ground.

The reason I am who I am.

A dark shadow catches my eye as it comes closer to where my beloved daughter and I are standing. Annika gives it a look, before hiding her face in the fabric of my shirt. "I'm scared, daddy."

"It's alright, Anni. Don't be scared. I'm right here."

I rub her back, trying to soothe her as the shadow comes closer to us. As it comes closer, it starts to become more visible.

The shadow seems to change into a female form as it comes closer. I squint my eyes, hoping to see who it is.

Seeing no one, I fully open my eyes and look at the woman in the shadow, close to where her eyes should be.

As soon as my orbs glance at the woman's upper face, her eyes turn a light brown.

The lightest chocolate brown eyes I fell in love with the second I saw them.

"Nessa?" I ask the woman. Her face starts to develop and I see two dimples starting to form.

It is her.

She stops walking, about ten feet from where my daughter and I stand in each other's embrace.

Her face is whole, but a black shadow covers her entire body. She looks hurt. Lost.


I start to walk, leaving Annika where I was previously standing.

As soon as I reach the woman who stole my heart, I reach out to grab her hand.

The second my hand touches hers, she starts to glow. Sparkles lead the darkness elsewhere, my beautiful Vanessa returning in front of me.

She smiles at me, showing her two faultless deep dimples. "Thank you for saving me, baby."

I wake up with someone shaking me awake. "Grayson, wake up."

At first, I thought it was Nessa. But it wasn't.

It was her twin sister.

"Roni, if you don't stop shaking me, I'm gonna slap you," I jokingly threaten her. She laughs before taking her hands off my shoulders.

"Sorry, I'm just excited to see Nessa," she gleams.

"Nessa? She woke up?" I ask, hoping she did.

"No, but the doctor said we can go see her. Since she's in a coma, she'll hear whatever we say," says Roni.

I nod before extending my hand out for Roni to grab. "Help me up, Ronald."

She hates it when I call her that, so she grabs my hand and starts to help me up, before letting my hand go so I fall hard on the chair. On my butt.

My bottom starts to ache as I glare at Roni, who's currently dying from a laughter fit.

Ethan starts to come towards where we are, with Grant and Annika trailing behind him.

"You're lucky your husband's here because revenge was coming at you," I say to her, giving her an evil smirk. She shrugs before her attention goes from me to Ethan.

She whispers something to him, and Ethan glares at me. "Yo bro, go easy on her."

"Why? You're acting like she's pregnant," I say, rolling my eyes. Roni blushes and Ethan smirks, nodding his head. "Wait, she is? Oh my God bro, congrats!"

I stand up from my chair to hug my twin brother and sister in law, happy to hear the news. "Why didn't you guys tell me?"

"We were waiting for Nessa to wake up. Maybe we can still surprise her!" says Roni. I smile, liking the idea.

I look down at Roni's stomach, it's just a little swollen. "I was wondering why you were getting fatter."

She glares at me before slapping my arm hard, which couldn't even hurt a fly.

I laugh at how weak she is and she laughs with me. Ethan joins in, the tension from earlier disappearing.

"We should really go see Nessa now," says Roni as our laughter dies down. I nod my head as butterflies take over my stomach.

I have a feeling something is not right.


Spotify info: 

1. Search umi_suriya02 on the search bar on the desktop/phone app. 
2. Go to public playlists.
3. Press on "L u c i d  D r e a m s" and listen all you want! (I will regularly be adding more songs as I write more chapters!)
4. Optional: Explore my "F a v o r i t e s" and "R e v i v a l" playlists!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry for being so dead on here, I've been getting ready to head for LA for a wedding, and then school just right after that. 

Gotta say, I'm kinda proud of the Lucid Dream part of this. So yeah, I hope you enjoyed!

And do you guys think Nessa's okay? What's gonna happen to her?

Keep reading to find out!

Love you guys! <3

Umi 💜

[Word count: 1055]

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