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*Grayson's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the time and it's nine in the morning. I grab my phone and see that it's Ethan.

"Hello" I said through the phone. "Where are you? I thought you were going out for a run and then you never came back" Ethan said. "Sorry. I saw someone that was dealing with something harsh so I went to help her. Then I got into a fight with her ex boyfriend and then she took me back to her house to clean my cuts that I got. It was late at night so I stayed over at her place" I said.

"Did you guys do it?" Ethan asked.

"Dude shut up. No we didn't do anything. We just met" I said.

What an idiot my brother is.

"Alright, well I'm going out with Emma soon so I might not be back when you get home" he said.

"Okay, have fun" I said and then I hung up.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Chloe asked and walked in her room.

"Yah, my brother just called me asking where I was" I said and I put my phone down.

"You have a brother?" She asked with a curious face.

"I do, he's actually my twin" I said sitting up.

"There's two of you?" She asked with a big smile. She is so pretty.

"I do" I said with a chuckle. "Anyways, I should get going. Thank you for letting me stay here and for cleaning my cuts" I said and got up.

"Actually I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast? My treat" she said with a worried face.

"That would be nice" I said and smiled.


Chloe drove us to a little cafe that was about 10 minutes away. In the car we listened to music and talked about random things.

We got to the càfe and sat down at a booth across from each other. I ordered some pancakes and Chloe ordered waffles.

"I want to get to know you some more" I said. "Okay, what do you want to know?" She asked.

"Anything" I said.

"Okay umm, I'm 18 Years Old, I just finished high school and I'm going to University of San Francisco for nursing, I had an older brother, and I love donkeys" she said with a smile. I laughed a little bit at what she said about how she loves donkeys. I never heard someone say they love donkeys.

"You said you had an older brother. What happened?" I asked with a confused face.

She looked down for a couple of seconds and then she started to talk again.

"He died when he was 18 years old. I was 17 at the time. He was driving home when a drunk driver hit him. He died during surgery" she said.

"I am so sorry" I said.

"It's fine" she said.


We finished our food and she payed for me.

Chloe drove me home and before I got out I wanted to ask her something.

"Can I get your number?" I asked. I was so nervous to ask her. What if she says no?

"Sure" she said with a big smile.

We exchanged our numbers and I went back to my house happy.

*Chloe's POV

I got home and I went to my room. When I walked in I saw a note on my bed.

Thank you again for everything. I hope your wrist gets better soon. It was really nice meeting you and I hope I will see you again.

I put the note on my desk and I saw the clothes he borrowed. They were folded and was on the other side of the bed. I took the clothes and put them in the laundry basket for later. I went to my bed to relax and I could still smell Grayson's sent on my sheets. I love his sent. Is that creepy? Oh well.

I went on my phone when I got a text from Addison.

Addison💜: hey, I saw Justin come back to the house last night and he looked like he got beat up. What happened?

Me: I found him cheating on me so I walked out of the house. He followed me and tried to drag me back to the house. He was hurting me and guy came over and helped. His name was Grayson and helped me get away from Justin. Justin then punched Grayson so they got into a fight.

Addison💜: Oh my god. Are you okay?

Me: yah, I'm fine. Just a bruised wrist.

Addison💜: that's not that too bad. So, Grayson? Is he cute?

Me: so cute.

Addison💜: what does he look like?

Me: he has a very sharp jaw line. He's very built, he has hazel eyes, brown hair and he has a cute birthmark on his chin. He's also a twin!

Addison💜: does he have a wing earring?

Me: yah, how did you know?

Addison💜: oh my god girl! Grayson Dolan fucking saved your ass!!!

Me: who's Grayson Dolan?

Addison💜: he's a famous you-tuber. He has over five million subscribers.

Me: wow

Addison💜: you are so lucky

Me: he's just a normal guy

Addison💜: he's a famous hot guy! Any girl would kill to be in your place right now.

Me: I don't know about that

Addison💜: it's true. Any ways. I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Love you!

Me: okay, love you too!

I wonder why he didn't tell me about that.

I went to YouTube and looked up Grayson Dolan. I found an account named Dolan Twins.

It was him and his brother. I watched a few videos of theirs and they're really funny. Ethan, who is his brother is very attractive. But he isn't Grayson.

I watched a few more until I decided I should get out of bed. I had nothing planned for today so I decided to go to the mall instead.

I got some new clothes and more perfume from Bath and Body Works.

By the time I got home it was late so I went to bed.

Before I fell asleep I got a text from someone. I looked at my screen and it was Grayson.

Grayson😎: good night princess

Wow, I have never been called princess before. It's cute.

Me:good night Gray. Btw I like the contact name you made.

Grayson😎: well, I'm such a cool person so that emoji really describes me well.

Me: I guess it does. I'll talk to you later. Have a good night.

Grayson😎: you too. Night

And with that I went to bed smiling.

I Can't Lose You (G.D)✔️Where stories live. Discover now