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I'm dying of laughter because of Ethan in this picture😂

I just landed in California and it's about 9:00 am because of the time change. It feels so weird that in new jersey it's around noon and here it's still morning.

I'm defiantly going to need to get used to this.

I grabbed my bags from baggage claim and went outside to wait for my Uber.


I got to my apartment and it's beautiful. My mom and dad got it for me and I'm loving it. It's really big and has two rooms. There's a big kitchen and living room. There's also a really big balcony that goes along the side of the building.

It's all white and it's a great canvas to work with. My theme is going to be pastel colors and a little bit of gold. I don't have any plans today so I decided to work on my room.

Before I started I texted My mom and dad telling them that I made it safely.

We talked for a little bit and then I told them that I'm going to unpack my stuff.

I started to unpack a box when I got a text from Grayson.

Grayson😎💜: hey, did you land yet?

Me: I did. I was going to text you but I got caught up with other stuff. I'm starting to unpack my stuff. I wish you were here with me :(

Grayson😎💜: me too. How is your apartment?

Me: well, it's nothing like your house but it's still great. It's huge and I have so much space. I also have a big balcony that faces the city. It's beautiful.

Grayson😎💜: that's great. Do you want to face time?

Me: yah, I'll call you

I face timed Grayson and I gave him a tour of the apartment. After the tour we talked some more while I unpacked my boxes for my room and I started to decorate the walls. I had a desk shipped to my apartment so I put that together and my night stands that I got.

When I finished it was around 8:00 so I went out to get some food. I don't know any good places to go so I decided to walk around LA and see what I can find.

It was chilly outside so changed into ripped black jeans and a cropped sweatshirt.

I walked out of my apartment and when I turned around I bumped into someone not knowing they were there.

"I am so sorry" they said.

That voice. It sounds so familiar

I Can't Lose You (G.D)✔️Where stories live. Discover now