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*Chloe's POV

I'm leaving in two weeks to go see my family and friends. I just wish school would go by faster.

Midterms are next week and I've been studying so much. I have to do great if I want to stay here. I've been off of my phone lately and have not been talking to anyone. I have to focus. As I was taking a practice test I got a text from Grayson.

Grayson😎💜: goodnight😘

He's so sweet. But I can't have a conversation with anyone. I turn my phone back off and I went back to studying.

*1 1/2 weeks later
Grayson's POV

Chloe is coming home in about 4 days and I can't wait. We haven't been talking that much. We have little conversations but they only last for about 3 minutes. They're not like our long conversations we usually have. But I get it. She's just busy with mid terms.

I'm in her room getting everything set up perfectly for her because she's going to be staying here for a month.

By the time I finished it was 6:00 in the afternoon. Ethan and I are going to a party at our friends house at eight so I decided to start to get ready. I took a nice long shower when I heard my phone ringing. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walk into my room and I grab my phone. It was Chloe calling.

"Hey babe" I said with excitement in my voice. I heard shuffling noises in the back until Chloe spoke.

"Hey, I hate to do this but I won't be coming in for break" she said with a frantic voice.

"What? Why?" I asked confused and disappointed.

"I'm sorry. I have to go" she said and then hung up.

I can't believe this. Not even an explanation?

I got frustrated and I threw my phone across the room and it hit the wall and fell to the ground.

Moments later Ethan comes running in my room.

"What the hell was that?" He asked shocked.

"Chloe's not coming home" I said and fell backwards on my bed and covered my face with my hands.

"I'm sorry dude. That really sucks" he said sitting down next me on my bed.

"I don't get it. We were doing so well. Now she's so distant and I can barley have a real conversation with her" I said and got up.

"That's part of a long distance relationship" he said.

"Well it sucks. I feel like I'm not even in a relationship with her. Just her voicemail" I said with frustration.

"Have you told her how you feel?" He asked.

"No, like I said. I can barely have a conversation with her" I said and I sat back down on my bed.

It was silent after and it was just me and Ethan sitting next to each other.

*Chloe's POV

I was supposed to go home soon but now I have to stay on campus. It's hard being in college for nursing. I'm always busy and I'm only getting about 10 hours of sleep in a week. I'm running on about two hours of sleep a night. But this is what I want to do so it's worth it. I just hate that I'm always busy and I can never talk with my friends. I'm not even going home for break. Grayson must be pissed. I don't blame him. I'm mad too. I was really looking forward to it.

I have to do an internship here for most of my break. It was a last minute thing and I had to take this opportunity.

I'm hoping that maybe it won't take all month and I can go home for a couple of weeks. Or even a few days.


*Grayson's POV

The party is starting soon and I don't want to go anymore. But Ethan is making me go. Maybe I can get a few things off my mind.

I'm in the car looking out the window while Ethan is driving. We made a deal that he will stay sober and I will have a few drinks. I need it more than Ethan.

We get to the party and we're looking for our friends.

"I'm going to get something to drink" I say to Ethan.

"Alright. Don't do anything stupid" he said back.

I go to the kitchen and I see all of the drinks. I grab a cup and I pour some beer into it. As I'm standing in the kitchen I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey Gray" She says.

Of course it's Brittney, my ex. Why is she everywhere?

"Hi" I said with no emotion and I walked away.

I made my way to the party area and I see my friend Jack.

"Hey Grayson. Glad you could make it" he said with a big smile.

"Thanks for inviting us" I said.

"How is everything?" He asked.

Not great

"It could be better" I said and took a sip of my drink.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Chloe was suppose to come home next week but now she can't. And she's always busy and I feel like I'm not important to her" I said and took another sip of my drink. I'm going to need more of this if I'm going to get through the day.

"I'm sorry bro. That's rough" he said and patted me on the back.

"Thanks. I'm going to get another drink" I said with no emotion.

After one drink it became two. And then three and then  six. I was full on drunk at the moment. But after all of these drinks I could still feel the pain.

I sat on the couch with my phone and I was going through pictures of me and Chloe when we were happy when I felt someone sit next to me.

I looked over and it was Brittney. Of course

"You look upset, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Like you care" I said with a scoff.

"Believe it or not Grayson but I still care about you. And seeing you upset hurts me" she said with a serious voice.

Wow, I have never seen this side of her. Usually she's always acting like a bitch.

"My girlfriend is always busy and she was suppose to come home for the month but she can't anymore. And she couldn't even tell me why" I said looking down.

She came closer to me and I looked up and we were inches apart.

"I'm really sorry to hear that" she said against my lips.

Soon our lips collided and we were kissing. I knew this is wrong but for some reason I couldn't pull away. I tried but I couldn't. It's been awhile since I ever did anything. The alcohol was taking over me and she led me out of the house to her car.

Soon after we get to her house and we're running inside. She closes the door behind us and I push her up against the wall kissing her roughly. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist and we walked up to her room.

This was the night I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life.


This is a long chapter wow. I hope you guys liked this chapter and please vote and comment!💜

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