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*Grayson's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I roll over to the other side of the bed and and I grab my phone to turn the alarm off. I'm picking up Chloe at 5 am and it's currently 3 am.

I only got 4 hours of sleep but I'll just sleep on the plane.

I go to my bathroom to take a quick shower and then after I get changed I fixed my hair.

I go to Ethan's room and of course I see him still sleeping. He's not a morning person.

"Ethan, wake up. We have to leave in an hour" I said.

No response

I let out a sigh and I grabbed one of the pillows from the floor and I got him multiple times with it.

"What do you want" he said with a groan.

"Get up, we're leaving in an hour" I said.

I walk out of his room and I got to the guest room to see if Bryant is awake. Bryant stayed over last night so that we don't have to pick him up as well.

I walk to his door and I see him grabbing his camera so I go back to my room since he's already awake.

I grab my suitcase and I go through it making sure I have everything I need for the week.

After I'm done I go down stairs and I get some breakfast. I grab a bowl of cereal at sat down on the couch.

I take my phone out and I text Chloe.

Me: morning. Are you almost ready? ;)

Chloe❤️😍: yup. I'm just finishing up with drying my hair

Me: okay, we'll be over to pick you up in about 10 minutes

Chloe❤️😍: okay. Sounds good

Me: great. I'll see you soon 😘

Chloe❤️😘: 💜💜


*Chloe's POV

I finish texting Grayson and I continue to dry my hair. I pack all of my make up and last minutes supplies. I go down stairs and I leave a note for my parents. They're still in bed and I don't want to wake them up.

I decided to meet Grayson outside so that he won't knock on the door because I didn't want to make any noises.

A couple minutes later Grayson's car pulls up and I walk over. He gets out and puts my suitcase in the trunk for me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yup" I said.

I got into the front and I said hello to Bryant. Ethan was asleep so I didn't bother him.

"So, what are we going to do when we get to Australia?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking we go to the beach. A lot. Take cute pictures together and hopefully a fancy date" he said.

"That sounds great" I said.

I grabbed his hand and held it for the rest of the ride.


We got to the air port and unloaded the car.

After we went through security we all went to our gate and waited for our plane to be called.


It's been an hour and we're finally getting into the plane.

The seats are arranged three to a seat so I sat with Grayson and another lady that was there. Grayson sat in the middle so that I could have the window seat.

Ethan sat with Bryant and no one else sat with them.


The plane ride was great. Very relaxing. I listened to music and slept a lot. Grayson did the same as well.

Ethan, of course being Ethan slept the whole time. And Bryant watched movies and edited pictures. He's always working on his content and I love that.

We got to our house that we're renting for the week and it was beautiful. It was right on the water and it had a great view of the ocean.

There was also a big deck where we can all hang out and relax.

Ethan also thought it would be a great spot to film their YouTube videos.

We all picked our own rooms and started to unpack everything.

After we finished we all went out to get some food. We went to this little restaurant that was on the water and it was beautiful.


We got back to our place and relaxed. We were all tired from the plane ride so we all decided to go to bed early.

Ethan loved that idea so he fell asleep instantly. I don't get how he can sleep this much. Maybe this is why he always have energy during the day.

"I'm going to go take a shower and then go to bed" Grayson said.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow morning" I said and pecked him in the lips.

I went to my room and sat on my little balcony admiring the sunset.

When the sun went down all the way I started to get ready for bed. I took of my makeup which was just mascara and concealer and then pulled my hair back. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and then went to bed.

I can't wait for tomorrow.

I Can't Lose You (G.D)✔️Where stories live. Discover now