Twenty three

511 11 1

Chloe's POV

Today I'm visiting my mom and dad for breakfast so I got out of bed and got ready. For my outfit I'm wearing dark blue skinny jeans with some rips in them and a floral crop top. For my makeup I just apply some mascara and concealer.

"I'm going to have breakfast with my parents. I'll be back in a couple of hours" I say to Grayson while standing at his bedroom door way.

"Okay, have fun" he says and pecks me on the lips.

"Thank you" I said and walked away.

"Bye Ethan" I say while I walk pass him in the kitchen.

"See ya" he says back.


"So, how is everything in college?" My dad asks.

"It's good. It's been going by fast" I said and took a bite of my muffin.

"Are you having a fun time?" My mom asks.

"I am. Nursing is actually fun to do" I said with a chuckle.

"How is Grayson?" My mom asks.

"He's good. He's been acting a little strange but he's good. Him and his brother actually just hit 5 million subscribers on YouTube" I said.

"That's so cool. I always thought him doing youtube was cool" my dad said.

I just laughed at him trying to be a teenager. He's a great dad but can also be embarrassing.


I finished my breakfast with my family and went back to the house.

When I got back Grayson, Ethan and I went to the beach to relax.

Bryant also came with us and he took pictures for us. He's so kind for doing that.

After we were all done with the beach all of us went to a restaurant and had dinner.


Two days later

Today I am taking a day to myself. I had everything planned out today. I'm going to get my nails done and go shopping.

Grayson has been acting weird ever since I came home and I don't know why. So I've decided to let Grayson be by himself for a little bit.

I'm in an Uber to go to the nail salon to get a manicure. I'm going to get ANC tips. I haven't gotten those in a long time.

I arrived to the nail salon and I already made an appointment so the lady was ready for me when I got there.

The nails took about 30 minutes but they look great.

I'm walking down the street to get some food when I heard my name being called

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I'm walking down the street to get some food when I heard my name being called. I turned around and I saw two teenagers walking towards me.

"Hi guys" I said with a cheerful voice.

"Hi!" They exclaimed.

"What an I do for you guys?" I asked.

"We were wondering if we could get a picture with you" one of them said.

"Of course. What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Addison and this is my friend Alayna" the one with blonde hair said.
"It's nice to meet you guys" I said.

We took the picture and started talking for a little bit. They're really nice girls.

"I have to go, but it was nice talking to you guys" I said and gave them one more hug.

"It was nice meeting you too" they said.

I waved goodbye and started walking in the other direction when I heard one of them say something that caught my attention.

"I can't believe Grayson would do that to such a nice girl".

I turned around and walked back to them.

"Excuse me?" I said when I caught up to them.

"Yah?" Addison asked.

"What do you mean 'I can't believe Grayson would do that to such a nice girl'?" I asked.

"You don't know?" Alayna asked.

"No, I don't, what happened?" I asked frantically.

"I'm not comfortable with telling you. I think you should ask Grayson" Alayna said.

"No, it's fine. Please tell me what he did" I said.

"Alright. A couple of weeks this picture was taken and was put online" Alayna said while giving me her phone and showing me a picture.

It was Grayson and some other girl kissing and running into a house.

I can't believe this

"Thank you for telling me" I said while trying to hold back my tears.

"I am so sorry Chloe" Addison said.

"It's alright. Umm have a nice day" I said still shocked on what I just saw. I turned around slowly and started to walk down the street. I'm not sure where I'm walking to but I need to clear my head.


After about 15 minutes of walking I stopped at the cafe that's near Grayson's house. I want to get something to eat before I confront him. Maybe this is why he's been acting weird.

Grayson's pov

Chloe has been out all day doing whatever she wants to do. I've been just hanging out in the house.

I'm sitting on the couch that's in the living room going through social media.

I keep on getting notifications from Instagram to this one account. I pressed on the notification and it took me to a picture. The picture was taking awhile but I read the caption.

'Grayson messed up badly'

What does that mean?

The picture kept taking forever to load.

After about two minutes the picture came up. My eyes went big and I started to panic. It was when I was with Brittney and we were going to her house. Who took this picture?

"Ethan!" I yelled.

"What?" He asked while walking into the living room.

"Look at this. I'm screwed!" I exclaimed.

"This isn't good" he said and took my phone.

Right after the front door bursted open from Chloe. She was storming into the house and I knew she found out.

"Chloe!" I exclaimed and walked towards her.

"Go to hell Grayson!" She yelled and continued walking up the stairs.




The story is almost over :(

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