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*Grayson's POV

It's been a month and half since Chloe left for college.

Chloe is coming to visit in two weeks and I'm so excited. She's staying at my place for a month and I couldn't be happier. I decided to go out to the store to get a few things for Chloe's room. It's a guess room and Ethan and I haven't done anything to it yet. All we have is a bed and that's it.

I went to Ikea to pick up a dresser and night stands.  Ethan is visiting his friends so it's just me for a while


After I got all of the stuff I put it all in my truck and went home.

I stopped by Starbucks first to get a drink for the road.

When I got home I unload the truck and went to the guest room to start building the night stands and desk.

As I was about to get started I got a text from Chloe.

Chloe❤️😘: hey. Are you up? I just finished my class

Me: I'm up. How was it?

Chloe❤️😘: Boring. All I could think about is you💜

Me: I think about you all the time❤️

Chloe❤️😘: I can't wait to see you!

Me: me too! I'm actually getting your room set up right now

Chloe❤️😘: great! I have to go. I have another class to go to

Me: alright, I'll talk to you later then. Love you😘

Chloe❤️😘: love you more💜


I finished building the furniture so I decided to go out and get something to eat. It's really boring being home alone.

I go to my favorite cafe in New Jersey and I wait for my food to come. As I'm on my phone I hear someone call my name. I look up and I see my ex standing there with a big smile.

"Hey Gray" She said with that annoying high pitched voice.

"Hey" I said with no expression.

"Are you here alone?" She asked while leaning on the table so that she's showing her chest.

"I am" I said and I looked back down at my phone.

"Can I join you?" She asks and I look up and she has this weird face. Like she's trying to look innocent but really she looks stupid.

"Why are you talking to me?" I asked while putting my phone down. We broke up a-couple of years ago because she cheated. I found out by one of my friends so I broke up with her after. Ever since she's been trying to get me back. But when I was with Chloe she actually stopped trying. But now that Chloe is in California I guess she's going back to annoying me.

"I miss you Grayson" she said.

"Well I don't miss you" I said with a chuckle.

My food was done so I quickly got up and left her standing alone with a mad face.

She deserves it.

I go back to my house and I turn the tv on and eat my food.

I finished my food and then I started to get ready for bed.

I did my routine and then I got under my sheets in bed and grab my phone.

I text Chloe goodnight but I never got an answer. That's weird for her because she usually texts me right away. I just let it go and went to bed.



This is a really boring chapter. Sorry

I Can't Lose You (G.D)✔️Where stories live. Discover now