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It's been two weeks since we came back from Australia and it's been kind of weird.

Grayson have been distant and I don't know why. It's like he just stopped talking out of no where. I don't know if I did something maybe but I hate it.

I'm leaving in two weeks and I want to be with Grayson all the time but he would always say that he's busy or he doesn't feel well.

I don't know what's going on but I don't like it.

I pull out my phone and I got to Ethan's contact. I pressed call and I waited for him to answer.

*phone call

Ethan: hey

Me: hi. What's up?

Ethan: nothing much. Just editing a video for tomorrow

Me: can I ask you something?

Ethan: of course

Me: what's Grayson's deal? He's been avoiding me for the past two weeks. I'm leaving soon and I want to spend time with him but he never says yes

Ethan: I don't know what's going with him. I've noticed that he's been acting like this too. All he has been doing is sitting around in his room doing nothing

Me: do you think it's because I'm moving soon?

Ethan: I think so. He took it pretty hard when he thought about it

Me: ugh. I hate this

Ethan: I know. Just talk to Grayson about it. Ask him why he's being like this

Me: okay, I will. Thank you. Have fun editing

Ethan: no problem. I'm here to help. And editing is never fun

Me: well, good luck.

Ethan: thanks I'll talk to you later

Me: bye

I hung up the phone and then I called Grayson

Grayson: hello

Me: hey,I was wondering if you could meet me at the beach later tonight?

Grayson: I would love to bu-

Me: please Grayson. I really want to see you and I think we need to talk

Grayson: okay, I'll meet you there at 7

Me: thank you

Grayson: I'll see you later

Me: okay, bye

I hung up the phone and let out a sigh.

When we were in Australia we didn't get to have our beach date so I decided to recreate that as a surprise for Grayson.

As the day went by I got the things for the surprise date.

When I got home with all of the supplies the time was 5:00 so I hopped into the shower. After my shower I did my hair and then changed into my outfit. I wore black ripped jeans with a white tube top. And for shoes I just wore flip flops.

After, I started with my makeup. I turned on some music so that it wouldn't be silent and I sang along while I did my make up.

It was 6:30 by the time I finished with my make up so I went downstairs to pack the stuff into my car. It takes me ten minutes to get to the beach so I got into my car and left.


I got to the beach and I set everything up. Grayson wasn't there yet which was perfect so that I could surprise him.

As time went by he didn't show. I was on my phone sitting on the blanket waiting for him and I would watch the time go by.

It was 7:45 and he still wasn't there. I got mad and I didn't want to wait anymore so I packed everything up and went to my car. I can't believe that he's doing this to me.

I sat in the car and broke Down in tears.

I got some looks from people that was walking by my car but I could care less. I pulled myself together and drove away.

I decided that I'm not going to accept this behavior so I drove to Grayson and Ethan's house.

I got out of the car and walked up to their door. I knocked on the door with anger and Ethan answered the door.

"Hey Chloe. What are you doing here?" He asked. I pushed pass him ignoring him and and went straight to Grayson's room.

His door was closed but I didn't care. I bursted through his door with anger.

"Chloe, what are you doing here?" He asked with a shocked face.

"The real question is why are you here when you said you were going to meet me at the beach?" I exclaimed.

"Look Chloe I'm sorry that I didn't go bu-"

"No. I am not taking another excuse from you" I said interrupting him.

"I don't know why you're acting like this but I am done with it. It has been two weeks and I'm leaving soon. Instead of avoiding me you should be with me. I want to be with you but I can't because you're acting like a child and you're pushing me out of your life" I exclaimed at him while he just sat on his bed listening to me.

When I finished yelling at him I broke down in tears and sat on his bed burying my face in my hands.

"I know I've been acting like an ass but it's just to hard to be with you and know that soon I won't see or be with you for months" he said and sat next to me.

"Why didn't you just talk to me? Instead you hurt me for weeks" I said while crying.

I'm such an emotional mess

"I know I should've talked to you. I'm sorry" he said.

"Do you want to talk now?" I asked.

"Yah, I do" he said.

"What do you think we should do about us?" I asked.

"I'm not sure to be honest. What about you?" Grayson asked.

"I think maybe we should break up" I said.




I hope you guys are enjoying this story! I'm almost done with it. Yes it's a short story, but I've decided to write a sequel to this.

Please vote and comment. I hope you have a great day

I Can't Lose You (G.D)✔️Where stories live. Discover now