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I woke up in a dark  cold room. The only light that was visible was one Lamp that was next to me. I was tied to a chair so I couldn't move.

After a couple of minutes someone walked in. I could only see their shadow so I couldn't see who it was.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You really have to ask that question" he said.


"What do you want?" I asked.

He came closer to me so we were face to face. I could smell the alcohol every time he exhaled. Disgusting.

"You're drunk" I said.

"And you're stupid" he said.

"I didn't do anything" I spat.

"You broke up with me. And that was stupid. You also let that guy punch me and leave me on the side walk" he said.

"You deserved it. You cheated on me" I said looking down.

"And That was the best choice I ever made. She's really good in bed. Much better than you" he said while lifting my chin with his finger.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"I'm telling you this so that when we do it you will do it better. And so that you know that the other girl was better. So maybe you can do better than her for once" he said turning around.

"I'm not having sex with you" I said.

"That's not a choice" he said turning around so he's facing me again.

"So now you're a kidnapper and a rapist. What happened to you. This isn't you. What happened to the guy I loved?" I asked while starting to tear up.

"That guy was pathetic" he said.

"No he wasn't. He was great. He was a strong kind man. You were never pathetic. But now you are" I said.

"Shut up!" He yelled.

"You are going to get what you deserve" he said.

I Can't Lose You (G.D)✔️Where stories live. Discover now