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This morning, unfortunately, my pants tore, and my dad had sent all my extra pants to the cleaners, so I grabbed an old skirt and pulled it on sadly it was my skirt from my freshman year and here I am an in my junior year.  I didn't realize that when I walked my panties were showing.   Of course, when Lee picked me up only because I was wearing a skirt, he had to tease me. When we got to school on the way into the stupid building, Tuppen smacked my butt.  Lee tried defending me and failed, and Noah ended up beating him up.  The principle comes over breaks up the fight and takes all 3 of us to detention.  

While sitting in detention trying to do my homework, I get a note that says I'm sorry.  I turn and look at Tuppen, and he pouts at me.  I suppress a giggle, and a few seconds later I get another one that says What do I need to do to get your number.  I turn and look at him and giggle he mouths again come on.  I turn around and start to think I then write down Wear a uniform skirt and your jersey into detention and pose.  After sending it back to him, I glance at him while he is reading it and he looks up and me and nods.  I hear Noah shifting on the other side of the room, and when I turn and look at him, he glares at me like he is telling me what are you doing and look back at him hoping my face conveys what I think which is what.  10 minutes after the note exchange I glance to where Tuppen is, and he is missing I turn around to look for him, and nothing and Noah seems annoyed.  All of a sudden the door is thrown open, and Tuppen is sporting a uniform skirt his jersey and is posing.  I couldn't help but laugh that he did it.  Noah looks even more annoyed.  After detention, I gave Tuppen my number.  Lee thinks I should go out with him.

Tuppen called me that night and asked me out to dinner I accepted.  I told him that Lee would drop me off and he said ok, and he said he would take me home after.  When I got there Tuppen was waiting for me, and he was such a gentleman he guided me in by the small of my back, and when we got to our table, he pulled my chair out for me.  We ordered our drinks and started talking.

Tuppen:  So, you are close to all the Flynn's

Me:  Yeah, my mom and June were best friends for years and then with Lee and I being born on the same day at the same time they decided to have us celebrate all our birthdays together.  That is why we sometimes call ourselves twin.

Tuppen:  Was Flynn always around you guys.

Me:  Well if we were not home Noah was always close by but never on top of us.  He only stayed close to defending us when we got in trouble.  Sometimes I think he goes a little overboard.  When we were at home, he would just come around to torment Lee.

Tuppen:  So, you two never really sit down and have a conversation.

Me:  No, I am just Lee's annoying best friend to him.

The waiter comes back leaves our drinks and takes our order.  We spent the rest of the meal talking and laughing.  My phone goes off, and I look down to check it and make a face.

Tuppen:  Is anything wrong

Me:  No, it's Lee asking if I need to be picked up and if I am ok to hang on.

Me: No Lee I don't need a ride we are just finishing up dinner.

Lee:  Ok I got home, and Noah made me believe that Tuppen was going to stand you up.  When I told him you hadn't messaged me to pick you up, he got mad.

Me:  Whatever tell him to mind his own business.  

Tuppen:  Everything ok

Me:  Yeah Lee said it sounded like Noah expected you to stand me up.

Tuppen:  Well, he told all us guys not to ask you out and warned me not to show up tonight, but I figured I couldn't do that to you.  I didn't want to hurt your feelings because of him plus I have been avoiding asking you out for a while, and I don't want to regret not going out with you if I had a chance.

Me:  I am so glad you decided not to leave me standing here like an idiot.

Tuppen: you ready to go home

Me:  yes

Tuppen pays the bill, and he walks me to his car with his hand on the small of my back.  He opens the door for me and then walks around the car.  He askes "you live close to Flynn right"  "Yep, I live on the same side of the street about six houses down."  "ok."  We continued talking all the way home, and we had a blast.  After we got home, he got out opened my door and walked me to the front door.  We said goodnight, and he leaned in and kissed me on my cheek.  "see you tomorrow Evans I will meet you at Lee's car."  I go inside and call Noah.

Me:  I don't know who you think you are you do not have the right to tell me who I can date.

Noah:  Well did you like your date

Me:  Yes, I did, and he was a perfect gentleman

Noah:  Did he kiss you

Me:  That is none of your business.

Noah:  So, he did okay I will take care of it tomorrow.

Me:  Damn it, Noah, it was just on the cheek why do you have to be such an ass

Noah:  Well that will be your last date

Me:  That is not your decision to make you are not my father.  So, stop telling me what to do.

Noah:  Not going to happen

He hung up on me.  What an Ass.

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