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I look at him and say "knock it off my dad will hear you"  "he is not here damn it, Shelly, you know how worried I was we know nothing about this guy, and you were alone with him for a couple of hours and then to find out Lee was expecting you guys and you didn't show.  I have been going crazy."  "Noah, you need to stop I have a right to have a life."  "He was not even in school today he probably is not even in high school" "he attends Norwood High that is why you didn't see him in school today did you ever think of that one" Noah stepped close to me backing me up to the wall "I am just trying to protect you here."  He leans in close, and my breath catches in my throat.  Then we hear a key in the door, and Noah steps back.  "So, he goes to Norwood High well I am looking in to it I don't trust him and you should not go out with him again until I say so"  "Noah you do not tell me what to do I will see Lewis if I want now leave"  He storms out of the door and I storm upstairs.  I call Lee.

Me:  Hey sorry Lee I forgot you wanted us to stop by after practice. Noah had me so mad I forgot to remind Lewis you invited him over.

Lee:  That is o.k. Twin I understand.  Yeah, I know when he came home he was pissed said you took off with him in his vintage truck.  When I told him you two were coming here, he relaxed a little bit.  When you all didn't show up, he hit the roof, and since he knew Brad had a game, he grabbed mom's key to your house and took off.

Me:  yeah he was waiting for me when I got home and read me the riot act.

I can here Noah in the background.  "she let him kiss her damn it.  It wasn't a long kiss just a brush of his lips damn it."

Me:  OK what's with him

Lee:  I have no idea.

Me:  Anyway I will talk to Lewis tonight about going over tomorrow ok

Lee:  sounds great

Me:  talk to you tomorrow

Lee:  Yeah tomorrow.

I finished all my homework and decided to text Lewis.

Me:  Hey I forgot to remind you that Lee wanted us to go over to his place to swim and hang out.

Lewis:  Well, to be honest, I wanted to spend some alone time with you today I hope you are not mad about that.

Me:  Nah, well he invited us again, so take a suit and towel.  Lee's place is straightforward to find it is on the same side of the street as my house just six houses before mine.  I will meet you there.

Lewis:  I can't pick you up.

Me: Oh, tomorrow I get out at the usual time at 3 pm I thought you all didn't get out till 3:45

Lewis: yeah, I thought you didn't get out till 4

Me:  oh, only on practice days tomorrow is Friday I don't have practice.

Lewis:  Ok meet you there. Good night beautiful lady.

Me:  Goodnight

The school day went without a hitch.  Lee and I ran to the party store to pick up some decorations since we were throwing a party the next day with Noah.  We got there just as Lewis pulled in and Lee couldn't help himself and said "sweet 1956 Chevy right" "yes it is Lee you sure know your classics I thought you were just a mustang guy" "Nope this baby was my dream car, but I love all the classics."  "hey let me get that Elle"  he takes the bags out of my hands and says "so, you all having a party"  "oh, yeah tomorrow you should come," I tell him.  He looks at me and says "sorry beautiful I don't go anywhere I wasn't invited."  "well I am inviting you, and besides you can always come as my date."  "he said that sounds like a plan."  Rachel walks up "hey guys let's get inside."  We walk in the door, and Rachel says "hey you guys didn't stop by your place to change"  I look down at my uniform. Today I am wearing a skirt, with a yellow button-down shirt and a blue tie. "Nice so you have to wear this every day?" "Well this is one of the uniforms we also have slacks, and shorts as for tops we have a white button-down shirt, vest, pullover sweater and a blazer as options the only thing we have to wear every day is a tie either this one or a dark blue one with light blue stripes."  "nice, I think you look beautiful in everything I have seen you in."  I hear a grunt from the top of the stairs and see Noah storm into his room.  I look at Rachel and say "Nah we didn't have time I will just grab my spare suit out of Lee's room and borrow some of his clothes to go home." I look at Lewis and say "be back in a sec." I run upstairs and go into Lee's room and change from my uniform into my bikini and grab a pair of my shorts and a tee before heading downstairs.  "My mom said to get the dirty clothes do you have any"  I look up at Noah and say hang on there in Lee's hamper.  I walk in, and he follows me in and I hear the door close behind him.  "did you have to bring him here when you know I don't trust him"  "well now you can get to know him"  I grab my clothes and hand them to him and walk downstairs.  Lewis didn't look too happy when he saw Noah come out of Lee's room behind me holding my clothes.  He could tell Noah even had my underwear and bra.  "Noah, did you get Elle's clothes or not.  Since Max and Brad are going with us, she is staying here till Monday, and she will need that uniform clean." " Yes, mom putting them in the shoot now."  "Oh, Elle honey your bag of clothes for the weekend including other suits are in the blue guest room.  Remember what we all talked about last Sunday you are not little kids anymore"  "yes June we understand.  I need to start acting like a young adult and sharing the same bed with my best friend is no longer appropriate at our age."  "good girl has fun I love you"  "love you too June give Mathew, my dad, and BradleyBear a big hug and kiss for me"  "will due."  She walked off.

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