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The next morning I ignored Noah. He came into the kitchen at breakfast, and I stood up with my plate and went out by the pool. After I finished, I walked in rinsed off my plate, put it in the dishwasher. I heard "Shelly please..." I cut him off saying "I meant it doesn't talk to me." I went downstairs and grabbed a case of soda. On my way up Lee was heading down with the food. Again he tried "Shelly...I placed the case on the counter and headed downstairs again. I heard him getting angry. On my way down Lee was heading up with another 2 cases he said. "Just one case of the diet and we're done" "ok" I grab the case and next thing I know it is taken out of my hands, and Noah picks me up and puts me on the counter. "Ok, enough we need to talk. I am so sorry for what I called you last night. I am just trying to let you know what other guys would think of you." He leans in, and I push him back jump down and say "since your down here you can take the last case of sodas up." I run up the stairs and up to the second floor and into the guest room I throw myself across the bed. I don't understand why did my heart start racing when Noah touched me. That doesn't happen with Lewis.

I don't know how long I was laying there when there was a knock on my door. "who is it" "it's me, twin" "is your brother with you" "no, he is in his room he is upset" I get up and open the door and let him in. I close the door behind him and throw myself back on the bed.

Lee: What is wrong Twin

Me: I don't know I am confused.

Lee: What happened last night. Noah said you were mad at him because of something he said last night.

Me: He was upset that I made out with Lewis last night.

Lee: cool. Damn now it is no longer ironic you running a kissing booth.

Me: twin I am not in the mood.

Lee: This is more than my asshat brother being mad you had a makeout session what else happened.

Me: He asked me if I was going to sleep with Lewis like some slut.

Tears started sliding down my cheeks again.

Lee: Damn him.

Lee wrapped his arms around me and held me until I cried myself out.

Me: Lee when you hold Rachel or kiss her how do you feel.

Lee: I thought you didn't want to hear about that.

Me: Please Lee I need to understand something.

Lee: What Shells tell me

Me: When Lewis holds me it feels nice I even like it when he kisses me but...I notice when you and Rachel kiss each other it is almost like you both lose your connection to reality. I don't get that with Lewis. Plus there is someone that makes me feel like I am flying and makes me tremble just by being close to me.

Lee: Shells sounds like you are in love but not with Lewis.

Me: What should I do? I am pretty sure this person doesn't know I exist in that aspect.

Lee: Shells it wouldn't be fair to Lewis to stay with him if you don't feel anything for him.

Me: Ok

There is a knock on the door, and without thinking, I say come in. The door opens, and standing in the doorway is Lewis

Lee: OK I will leave you two alone. You sure your ok Shells

Me: yeah, I thank Lee.

Lewis walks in and sits on the bed.

Lewis: Are you ok sweety you look like you have been crying.

Me: Yeah I am fine. Noah and I got into an argument, and he said something that upset me that is why Lee was in here. We were talking, and he was holding me why I cried it out.

Lewis: You know you can come to me.

Me: Yes I know, but he is my best friend my twin. I am just used to always going to him.

He pulls me into his arms, and I snuggle up against him. Resting my head on his shoulder while he wraps his arms tight around me. I let what Lee said sink in and I know yes I have a decision to make. Do I let Lewis go and take a chance on waiting for Noah or do I  with him? Oh, and does Lee know it is Noah that makes me lose all semblance of who I am.

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