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With the start of the spring semester brought Noah and I closer together.  Instead of Lee picking me up everyday Noah started to do it.  Since, I was ridding in with Noah Lee started picking up Rachel.  It seemed that at this point the biggest event coming up fast was Spring Break.  Then prom.  The boys were being really secretive about what they had planned for Spring Break they kept telling us they had something special planned.  I was sitting on Noah's bike talking to Rachel when this guy walks up and says "Hey there sexy."  I look at Rachel and we both roll our eyes and I ask her "so, are you going over to go swimmning?"  She replys "Yeah, but I have to go home first and get my homework done."  "That sucks luckily coach was absent today so we all just sat out during soccer I finished my homework there.  So, I have to go for a swim to get my cardio in.  Plus the pool really helps with my kicks"  Rachel just laughs "yeah, I heard Lisa said the last time they had you two paired up so she could practice blocking your goals she ended up with bruises for a week"  All of a sudden the same guy is clapping his hands saying "I am talking to you."  I look up at him and ask "Who exactly are you talking to?"  "Well you of course.  I like the bike."  I look at him and say "Well it is not my bike and I am not interested."  He raises his eyebrows and says "well who's is it"  Then I hear from behind me "mine, just like she is so back off"  I turn and look at Noah and say "hey Noah, how was football?  Good Where were you guys the field was empty I planned on walking you after class"  "oh, coach was absent so they let me go to the library to finish my homework I am officially free for the weekend" "good, same here finished mine in my off period."  "Yeah must be nice being a senior."  "speaking of that we need to talk Shelly and you are not avoiding it this time."  "fine, you win"  all of a sudden I hear a female voice say "hey is that your bike stud how about we loose the toddler and you give me a ride"  I glare at her and when I am about to jump at her.  Noah grabs me and says "if I can't fight neither can you sit back down put on your helmet and let's go."  I glare at him "don't even think about it I swear Shelly you do it and I will go over there and drag you back kicking and screaming if I have to we need to talk and you can't avoid it anymore"  Rachel looks at me and says "Oh, look there is Lee bye"  I hear her yell at Lee "don't ask just get that car started and let's go unless you want your bro mad at you"  I glance over and see Lee shrug and take off.  I glare at him and he just smirks and climbs on, starts the bike and we take off.

We get to the Hollywood sign and I get off and walk ahead of him with my head hung down.  I couldn't help it.  Tears started falling down my face even before I sat down and looked at the city below me.  Noah sits down beside me and hear him say "hey Shelly come on what's wrong why are crying?"  I look up at him and say "please just do it quickly I understand.  I don't want you drag this out"  "drag what out Shelly" "you breaking up with me"  "why would I do that I love you"  "your going to Harvard you are going to meet beautiful college girls that are not as naïve and innocent as I am."  "you crazy girl, I am not breaking up with you.  I love you too much for that and how do you even know if I am going to Harvard I haven't even told my folks my decision."  "I know you Noah,  you knew you were going the minute you saw you were excepted.  Just like me you have always dreamed of Harvard."  "Damn I forget sometimes you are not just my girl but you have been in my life your whole life. Look at me Shelly"  "yes Noah"  "I know we are probably way to young for this but I have loved you for as long as I can remember and I will not loose you so, he stands me up and get's down on one knee and says "Rochelle "Shelly" Evans will you marry me"  I look down at him and say "Yes" and throw myself into his arms.  He kisses me tenderly and says "I am thinking this will be a long engagement I think we should wait at least until you graduate from High School but I can't imagine my life where you are not in it."

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