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Since he had asked me to call him, I didn't expect him to call me first.  

Lewis:  Howdy sweetie can I ask you something

Me: Hey, yeah sure what's up

Lewis:  What exactly is your name I am confused.  While we were there, you had people call you by four different names.

Me:  Oh, that.  My full name is Rochelle Evans.  Up until my 6th birthday, everyone called me Shelly, but at that time I decided Shelly was a baby name and insisted everyone called me Elle.  Now only Lee, Noah and my little brother call me Shelly or a variation of it.  Lee and my brother because it is an endearment just between us while Noah does it to annoy me like the way I call him Noah only his parents and Lee call him that other than me everyone calls him Flynn.  A lot of the guys in school call me by my last name Evans.  So, I would prefer it if you called me Elle out of all the names.  Oh, and only Lee ever calls me Twin.

Lewis:  ahh well I kind of like Rochelle it is a beautiful name for a lovely lady.  May I call you that.

Me:  I don't know the only time anyone uses my real name are new teachers, the principle or when one of the Flynn's or my dad and Lil' bro are upset with me.  I would need to think about it.

Lewis:  OK Elle I will let you think on that.  Like I said I like it to me it sounds like a song.

Me:  So, I forgot to ask what school do you attend?

Lewis:  Oh, it is Northwood High School and you.

Me:  Berkley Hall

Lewis:  Oh, wow a private school girl

Me:  Yep, my mom was a lawyer, and she wanted us to go there because this school has a high placement rating for Ivy League schools.

Lewis: Wow, so you're a senior

Me: Nope a junior like Lee. It is they always stress the importance of grades and how we need to look to the future.

Lewis: ahh ok

Dad:  Elle it is late, and you and Lee need to say good night.  You two are terrible you were hanging earlier.

Me:  Ok dad.   It is not Lee he is probably making kissy noises to Rachel right about now which is so gross he knows I hate it, but he does it anyway and tells me about his makeout sessions.

Dad:  Well then is it Noah here was here earlier and he said you two fought.

Me:  No it is not Noah, and yes we argued I don't want to talk about it dad.  He is a controlling jerk he thinks he is my dad.

Dad:  give him a break Shells, he only wants to protect you he loves you like a sister and he doesn't want you to get hurt. Goodnight.

Me:   Ahh yeah well pretty soon he is going to be missing an appendage.

Lewis:  That was interesting.

Me:  Sorry about that.  My dad appreciates the fact Noah is an overprotective big brother.

Lewis:  Well I don't want to get on your dad's bad side, so I will let you go good night beautiful.

Me:  good night

Lee picked me up in the morning and looked at me.  "hmm someone is happy. what happened last night" "well you know how he told me to call him"  "yeah, so you did ahh twin you should have made him wait"  "well I didn't call him he called me"  "oh, you have him hooked. you go with your bad self."  "he goes to Norwood High School"  "oh, boy a public schoolboy.  Well, at least he won't have Noah threatening him all day."  "I know right."  The day went by fast partly because of the texts I would get from Lewis saying stuff like "just had to say good morning to a beautiful lady before school...thinking of you..." At one point he asked "what time do you get out" "oh, not till four today I have soccer practice." "Oh, a beauty and an athlete I like it."

After soccer practice I come out and see Noah "Lee said he had plans with Rachel and I should take you home."  "fine whatever"  All of a sudden I look over his shoulder and see a red 1956 Chev pick up pull into the parking lot and pull up next to us.  Lewis gets out and leans against the hood.  "So, Elle would you like a ride home maybe we can stop and grab a bite on the way?"  I look up at Noah and say "thanks, but I will be ok."  I try to walk away from him and he stops me "Shelly, stop please just let me get you home safe."  "drop it Noah bye"  I walk towards Lewis where he is standing by the passenger door and helps me inside.  As he walks around I look at Noah and he is fuming he jumps on his bike and peals out.  As he pulls on to the street he almost gets taken out by a car. I yell "shit he is going to get himself killed."  Lewis looks at me "are you sure there was never anything between the two of you because that guy acts like I am stepping on his turf"  "yes Lewis I am  sure I don't know what is wrong with him.  He has become more protective since this summer."  "Oh, ok just checking"  "are you sure you don't mind taking me out now I am kind of all gross from practice."  "yes I am sure I find it makes you look even more beautiful."  He pulls out and we head to a local café.  Where he asks what I want and I end up ordering a cheeseburger fries and a coke.  We stayed at the café for a couple of hours before I told him I needed to get home and finish my homework.  We pull into the driveway and Lewis looks at me and leans over and brushes a kiss on my lips.  "goodnight sweet Elle"  "goodnight Lewis"  I head inside and before I could greet my dad and Brad I hear "Next time I tell you to not do something and you do it anyway I will pick you up and what was it that fucking asshat said oh yeah cart you around like a bail of hay."

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