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The booth had been going for at least 30 minutes before Lewis texted me that he was here.  I told him ok head on over here we are at the far end of the fair grounds close to the ferris wheel and strength game.  We had Dallas hidding behind the curtain when Lewis walked up.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Noah shift his position by the strength machine to watch us.  "Ok just like we agreed give me your 5 dollars"  he hands them to me "ok I will keep your ticket and I have the blindfold right here turn around so I can pull this on.  I will guide you up to the girl you are to kiss."  all of a sudden I hear "when you get done with him I will pay the 5 bucks to kiss you" I just roll my eyes.  I look over my shoulder and see Dallas in her place and guide Lewis up to her.  I grab Lewis's hands and place them on Dallas's face and say ok kiss.  I step back and see Lewis pull her in for a kiss his lips brush hers and then I saw their bodies stiffen and they pulled apart and stared into eachothers eye's before kissing again.  I hear behind me "you knew didn't you" "yes, I knew she was part of the reason we broke up.  I didn't know who she was until Wensday when I went out to eat with Lewis.  She recognized his truck"  "you are ok with this" "yes Noah I am ok with this.  One thing Lewis and Tuppen both taught me was that I don't deserve to settle that I deserve the moon."  He chuckled "so, you doing the booth or not"  "no I was kidding.  I was already planning this I used it as an excuse to get her to do it.  I didn't even need her" "ok well I guess I will let you get back to work."  I walk behind the curtain to help the next voulunteers on to the stage.  All of a sudden Lee has me by the waist and puts a blind fold on me "come on you guys I was kidding I don't want to do this."  "well too bad your doing it"  Lee leads me to my place and I tell him before he walks off "I am so going to kick your ass after this" I started getting kissed by diffent guys and all I could think about was I wanted to run.  All of a sudden I hear "good, Lewis did say you were a good kisser" Then I feel his lips on mine he pulls me closer and just as his hand is starting to wander I feel him being pulled off me and someone whisper something to him and a yelp and feet pounding on the stage.  Then I feel a hand caress my cheeck before I feel two lips brush against mine.  I smell a familiar scent one I have smelled most of my life fill my lungs.  I reach up and run my fingers though his hair as he kisses me deeper.  I couldn't help myself I let out a little moan and I hear that familiar chuckle.  I feel as if I am about to pass out so I rest my forhead against his and say "damn Noah" "how did you know Shelly your still blindfolded"  "I have smelled that cologne most of my life kind of hard to forget" "now can we talk" "yes" Next thing I know I am being lifted and carried off the stage through the curtain the blind fold is pulled off my head and once agian there is Lewis standing in front of us "Need I remind you.  You do not need to be caring her around like bail of hay..." Noah interupts him "Shelly, do you want to be put down or are you fine"  "I am ok Lewis thanks anyway I agreed to go"  "ok Elle I am here if you need me" "I got it."

I don't know how far we walked before Noah put me down on my feet.  "I guess this is far enough.  I know you wouldn't agree to leave since you have to help Lee but we need to talk" "what is it Noah" "don't act like you don't know what this is about." "Noah, I have no idea" "really than why is it when I stand this close to you I can hear your breath hitch like mine does, or when I brush my hands down your arms I feel goose bumps skim down them and feel you sway closer to me or how when I lean in close I can hear your heart rate speed up like mine."  He turns me around and lowers his head to mine and brushes his lips against mine and when I feel his tounge brush against my lips I open them up to let him in. When we finally pull apart I am breathless and trembling.  He pulls me into his arms and says "you don't know how much it drove me crazy watching Tuppen touch you.  It was worse when that Lewis guy came into the scene because I knew unlike Tuppen I couldn't scare him off.  The worst night of my life was catching you two making-out in the pool" I look up at him "so that is why you didn't want him at your party"  "Yes I didn't want to watch you in my house with him" "I am sorry Noah" "will you tell me why you two really broke up" "he realized that he could not continue seeing me he was hopping I would help him get over his ex well maybe now is current girlfriend.  I didn't take it hard because I had asked Lee why when ever you came near me I felt my heart speed up and my breath catch and he said he thought I was falling for you and that I should let him go.  When I told Lewis all this he agreed."  

Noah lifted my chin and brought his lips down on mine again lightly and when we pulled apart he said "I love you Rochelle Evans"  "I love you too Noah Flynn." 

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