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Lee, Rachel and I went to the arcade to play some games.  Rachel stood back and let Lee, and I  play Dance Revolution, and we did our routine and noticed we beat our high score again.   We high fived and hugged.  Rachel leans over and whispers in my ear "I think you have an admire but I think Lee just turned him off hang on I will take care of that"  She walks up to Lee and hugs him and plants a kiss on him that leaves him breathless.  I start to giggle because Lee looks like he is about to pass out.  "What's a matter twin your girl making you think dirty?"  All of a sudden we hear "Howdy I'm Lewis."  When I turn and look at him, he is about 6'5" and has jet black hair that hits him at his collar, and he is wearing a leather jacket, a red t-shirt, tight Wrangler jeans, a pair of cowboy boots and hat." Lee steps forward  "hey I am Lee, this here is Rachel my girl" as he places an arm around her waist  "and this here is Elle my best friend/twin" and he throws an arm around my shoulders.  "Twins huh cool"  I laugh and say "not that kind of twins."  He raises an eyebrow at us and says "Do Y'all mind if I join you I am new around these parts?"  Lee responds "nope; we were just finished playing why don't you join us for some food."  We find a table and Lee looks at Rachel and asks her what she wants "she said pizza and a coke."  I reach into my purse and pull out my wallet when Lewis "says Nah, pretty lady this one is on me what would you like"  before I could answer Lee looks at me and says "burgers, fries and a strawberry shake right twin" "what if I want pizza" "you know you don't admit it." "fine Lee your right"  The boys took off and brought back our food.  Lewis looks at me and says "ok he wouldn't explain the twin thing. He said when you two are together" I look at Lee and he looks at me, and we stare at each other.  I hear Rachel across the table say "give them a sec they are having a conversation.  If you are around them long enough you get used to it."  Lee nods and I say "ok here goes our mothers were best friends forever.  What makes this whole situation amazing is that Lee and I were born on the same day at the same time.  So, naturally, our mothers planned all our birthday's together raising us as twins.  Didn't help matters that as we got older Lee and I grew so close, we actually can figure out what the other is saying without talking drives people crazy.  Our families are so close that we have family dinner every Sunday together."  

"That is cool can I ask you something" "sure what is it"  "do you have a boyfriend" "nope, why"  "well that guy over there looks like he wants to kick my ass." I look up and see Noah giving  Lewis the stank eye.  I smile big at Noah and then flip him off.  The look on his face had me giggling. Lee looks at me "Let me guess Noah?" "Yep, I swear twin I am going to castrate your brother in his sleep if he keeps this up maybe that will take his testosterone down a hair."  All of a sudden I hear "hey Shelly" I look up and say "hey Noah go away." Lewis looks at me and raises an eyebrow. All of a sudden I hear "hi I am Flynn and she is off limits" Lewis looks at me and sees me glaring at Noah.  "Howdy I am Lewis, and that is up to the little lady whether or not she is off limits."  Lee's jaw drops I notice several of the kids around us turn to look at us and stare.  Noah walks over and picks me up and walks towards the door all the while I am hitting him and yelling at him.  Lewis saunters up, and steps in front of Noah and says "the little lady doesn't want you carting her about like a bail of hay so how about you put her down and treat her with some respect."  I look up at Noah and see his jaw tighten and his eye's turn coal black.  He sets me down on my feet and says "Tuppen take Shelly now"  Next thing I know Noah throws a punch and Lewis dodges it easily.  All that does is make Noah even angrier, and he throws another punch only to have Lewis dodge that one as well by this time the security comes up and escorts Noah off the premises.

Back at the table I look at Lewis and say "hell, I have never seen anyone dodge Noah's punches like that"  "he is sloppy it is obvious he fights people just like him or worse to fighting people just like him and not an actual fighter.  Back home I was on my High Schools kickboxing team"  All of a sudden Tuppen is at the table "hey Evans can I talk to you a sec."  "Sure Tuppen will you excuse me a moment." everyone nods and I walk off with Tuppen "hey first off he is watching us I don't trust him Evans be careful second are you ok I thought Noah was rescuing you when he took off so your ok right" "yes Tuppen I am fine he hasn't even touched me."  "ok just be careful and remember what I told you the other night you deserve someone that is in it for the long haul don't settle you are amazing."  We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing we all exchanged numbers and Lee invited him to his house the next day.  He walked me to Lee's car and opened the door and helped me in by holding my hand and right before he closed the door he kissed my hand and said: "call me Elle."

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