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We all headed out to the pool.  I stripped off my shirt and shorts and started putting on sunscreen.  When all I had left was my back, Lewis said "hey let me get that if the California sun is anything like the Texas sun you will burn and we can't have that as I flop over he starts to rub in the sunscreen and starts to massage it in.  I couldn't help myself, and I let out a light moan, and I hear Lewis chuckle and say "damn Elle your muscles are tight." I flip over and say "you should stop you are going to put me to sleep, and after Noah gets back we have some work to do, and he won't be happy if we don't all help."  Rachel and I were laying out and all of a sudden my twin sense started tingling and I sat up fast and said "ah shit too late"  "Geronimo"  Yells Lee and splash he got us all and Lewis was laughing I yell "you are so dead Lee"  I dive into the pool and grab his feet and pull him under.  As I surface, I swim to the side, and before Lee could grab me, Lewis wraps his arm around my waist and spins me away from Lee and puts me on the side of the pool.  Lee yells "hey no fair"  I lean down and say "Lewis you can't interfere between Lee and me"  "sorry babe I can't let him hurt you"  "he would never deliberately hurt me.  My Flynn boys can be overbearing, but they are just trying to take care of me."  

The rest of the night we swam and had a blast.  At some point, Lee and Rachel disappeared, and I was alone in the pool with Lewis.  He had his arms wrapped around my waist while I had my arms around his neck.  We were staring into each other's eyes.  I couldn't help but think that him being this close didn't feel the same as it did when Noah had me pinned to the wall but I just dismissed it as the fact that Noah was mad at me and that I was mad at him.  All of a sudden Lewis slowly lowers his head to down, and I lean into him, and he brushes his lips against mine kissing me gently.  He pulls away slightly "if you don't want to kiss me you don't have to"  "Nah, that is not it."  I hang my head down to avoid his gaze and feel my cheeks grow hot.  He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head to meet his gaze and asks "is this your first real kiss" I blush even deeper.  "Damn, not even you and Lee" I couldn't help myself "eww gross no way he is like my brother that is just wrong"  He chuckles and says "just follow my lead but if at anytime you want to stop just push me back ok" "ok"  He leans in again and kisses me lightly.  He slowly brushes his tongue against my lips, and I open them and invite him in.  It wasn't what I expected it felt nice but I couldn't understand why when Lee finished kissing Rachel he always looked like he had checked out of reality.  I don't know how long we were making out before we here "ok break it up we need to start cleaning up now" We get out of the pool and I head upstairs to shower and change.  Lewis came up behind me and kisses the base of my neck "hmm you showered"  "yeah if I don't know the chlorine messes my hair up. besides, it is just a light cleaning June keeps this place immaculate."  We were all done the cleaning in an hour.  Rachel and Lee disappeared again, and Noah had already stormed up the stairs to his room "I think I should go that Flynn guy looks like he is at his teacher with me here.  Are you sure your safe with him?"  "Yes, I am safe with him. Noah would sooner hurt himself before he ever hurts me."  "ok take care see you tomorrow."  He leans in and kisses me again wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me up against him.  We pull apart, and I walk him to the door and give him a quick kiss before locking up behind him.  I head upstairs to the guest room I was using when all of a sudden I hear.  "So, you already let him kiss you."  "Noah please you of all people you have no right to lecture me"  I continue to the guest room.  Before I can close the door, Noah is in the room and closes the door behind him.  "What and tomorrow you plan on sleeping with him like a little slut"  I was stunned and slap him with everything I had in me, open the door, push him out and yell "I hate you don't ever talk to me again"  I throw myself across the bed and start to cry.  I don't understand why Noah would call me that and why it hurt so much to think he thought of me like that.  All of a sudden I hear what sounds like something hitting the wall.    It wasn't until the morning I realized that Noah had punched the wall by the guest room door because when I left, there was this big hole in the wall.

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