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I walk out to get breakfast, and I see Rachel look at me and grin.  She sent Lee and Noah out to get us breakfast and as soon as they left she corners me and says "So."  I grin and say "oh, Rachel it was amazing.  I filled her in on the events leading up to us arriving back here to the beach house."  She sighed "ahh Elle that was so romantic, but come on I can see the afterglow."  "when we got here we started kissing and well he made sure I wanted to move to the next step before taking me to the room.  Rachel, he made sure I was ok with what was happening every step of the way."  "Ahh, damn Elle that is so cool"  "you know how you said to try to copy what he does."  "yeah"  "well since he had kissed my chest...I tried doing the same for him but he told me no Shelly this about me worshiping you and what you are giving me tonight."  "ah Elle so, he made it special"  "yes, Rachel I didn't think I could love him more but damn he proved me wrong last night.  I still feel a little like my arms and legs are like jello" "so, I take it he knows what he is doing"  "yes Rachel oh, lord yes."

We stopped talking because we heard the boys coming.  Noah walked in and scooped me up and kissed me deeply.  "hmm, maybe we should skip breakfast"  I giggle and hear Lee say "don't even think about it.  Walking in and hearing you two last night and again this morning so not up for a third round"  I bury my head in Noah's chest and say "sorry" Noah lifts my chin and says "there is nothing to be sorry about baby.  I was just as loud as you."  

After breakfast the four of us went down to the beach to enjoy the water and soak up some sun.  I was laying there with Rachel when I heard someone plop down beside me but I could tell it wasn't Noah by his overpowering cologne.  "sorry, I have a fiancée and I am so not interested." He leans in and says "how can you tell you haven't even seen me."  I pull off my glasses look him up and down and say again "sorry, engaged, not interested."  Rachel groans and I look at her, and I know who is coming up behind the guy sitting next to me.  "if you value your life I would leave my fiancée is coming up behind you."  He looks over his shoulder and says "hey, Flynn you are not going to believe what this hottie just said about you"  "let me guess that she is my fiancée" "yeah dude how did you know.  OH, wait she is you girl.  Man, I am sorry dude I am gone."  He plops down next to me and says "really Shells you know that suit leaves little to the imagination."  I sit up and whisper in his ear "if your good I just might let you touch and play with the area's of my body with no tan"  I blush and hide my head realizing what I had just said. He lifts my chin and whispers in my ear "hmm, I like the offer and don't ever get embarrassed  propositioning me I don't think I would ever say no to you about that after last night damn girl."  I lean in "Rachel loaned me this book"  he looks down at it grabs it and flips to a page I have dog-eared reads it and grins "let's do this one tonight."  He looks around me and says "thanks Rachel"  Lee asks " why are you thanking my girl Noah" then Lee sees the book and says "really Rachel you are helping her to seduce my brother." 

We ended up walking down the beach just talking and holding hands.  I  loved just being with Noah.  I also liked how when guys would look me up and down or whistle at me he would grab me and kiss me.  I felt even better when he would pick me up and kiss me when he noticed girls checking him out.  We walked for a long time and eventually made our way back to the beach house.  I lost count of the number of times we stopped and kissed and he would tell me he loved me.  When we got home, we ate dinner with Rachel and Lee and then went to bed.  He pulled me close, and I rested my head on his chest.  We fell asleep holding each other before I drifted off I heard him say.  "As much as I love making love to you.  I love this just as much."

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