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After the initial shock of our engagement our families where all behind us especially since we explained we were planning a long engagement.  June said she had expected that he was going to propose soon since he didn't like the idea of leaving me behind with out feeling as if I was vulnerable to the vultures around our school.  The first day of Spring Break Noah and I spent the day at his house watching movies and laying out by the pool.  The surprise that they had planned for us was not till the next day.  The boy's did tell us to pack for a week and to make sure we packed for the beach and evening attire so we could go out to dinner.  

The next day we found out the boys had made arrangements with their parents and ours to take us to the beach house for spring break.  We all road up in Lee's mustang.  Lee would occasionally make gagging noises at Noah and me while we cuddled in the back seat.  Especially when Noah would stare into my eyes and tell me he loves me.  I realized on this trip that Lee loved making the noises to cause Noah and I to cuddle even more.  When I caught the twinkle in his eyes after an especially long slur of disgusting sounds and comments when Noah kissed me to annoy him.  Although I eventually realized Noah knew it as well.

The first night there we went to eat at the local steak house.  We ate a leisurely meal before heading off to the local dance hall to dance the night away.  When we got back I went in to take a shower in June and Mathew's room while Rachel used ours.  I put on a my blue bra and panty set and a blue neglage and robe.  I sat down on the bed and started freaking out.  I texted Lee and asked him to come to his parents room.  He walked in closed the door and asked "hey are you ok" and rushed to me pulling me into his arms.  I looked up at him and said "I have been thinking of taking mine and Noah's relationship to the next level and what if ..."  I hung my head.  Lee grabed my hands and said "first off ewww Shelly.  Second if he really loves you he will wait until you are ready.  This is not something you need to rush into.  Like he said at the party if that was all he wanted you were the last girl he would have chosen.  Remember he knows everything about you.  He knows if it does happen it will be your first time and I am pretty sure he will make it special."  I hug him tight and take a deep breath and head into the room I was going to be sharing with Noah.  He looked up at me when I came in and walked up to me and hugged me lifting my chin up so I could look into his eye's and said "I am not expecting anything on this trip Shelly except to hold and kiss you every night before we go to sleep and to wake up with you in my arms.  As far as I am concerned you are worth the wait.  I pulled off my robe and tossed it over a chair and crawled into bed.  Noah came in soon after and pulled me against him. "you know you look really beautiful and sexy in this but if you are not comfortable you can go change."  I Lean up and kiss him brushing my toung along his lips and when he opened for me inviting me in I deepened the kiss.  Soon after he took control kissing me deeper and pulling me up against him.  I started trembling as he kissed down my neck and back up to my mouth.  His hands exploring my body.  When his hand went to cup my breast I sucked in my breath he looked into my eyes and said we can wait and he pulled me close saying I love you Shelly let's get some sleep.

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