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Noah, decided to have a heart to heart with Lee to make sure he was ok with us being together.  I was talking to June at this point.  She looks at me and smiles "Don't worry Elle all of here knew this was coming.  Noah has been in love with you for quite a while now and I know you have too even though you tried to deny it so Lee wouldn't get hurt."  "I guess it did have a lot to due with trying to protect Lee but it was myself June.  I mean he never seemed to take girls seriously and basically telling me all guys just wanted to get into a girls pants."  "Yeah, I heard him on occasion but I realized it was because he didn't want any guy to get close to you.  You know when you went out with Tuppen he was so mad he punched a hole in his bed room wall he had to fix the next day and don't even get me started about your first kiss.  That night was a bad one from what Lee told me.  Can I ask you why you didn't talk to him for a week"  "oh, that night after Lewis left when I was on may way to the guest room he was snarky with me and I kind of blew him off so he followed me into the guest room and said asked that since I already kissed him if I planned on sleeping with him like some slut" June shook her head "no, wonder you ignored him for so long."  "After, Lewis and I decided to end it I was upset about it because I was actually getting an emotional response from Noah.  Lewis told me to give him time that he was pretty sure Noah was at his tether when it came to me and him hiding his feelings.  Hell June even Lewis knew we loved each other and were just being stubborn." She laughed "yep, that is one trait I wish the too of you didn't share but sometimes it is good because it means you won't always give in to him"  Right about then my Flynn boys walk in.  Noah walks up to me hugs me and gives me a peck on the lips and says "so, what are my two favorite ladies in the whole world talking about."  I look at June and we both start to giggle and I look at him and before I could say anything I hear Lee yell "you dingle berry"  I couldn't help myself and I said "nah, I was telling your mom about how insightful Lewis is"  I hear Noah growl behind me and I see June raise her eyebrow.  Noah sighs and says "sorry, mom it's just I understand that Shelly and Lewis are friends but I still don't like the fact he stole her first kiss from me.  I always wanted that."  I giggle and say "well, if you count a peck on the lips as a first kiss if you remember the stories correctly you did give me my first kiss"  He looks at me and says "that is so true and other than our parents I was the first boy to hold you."  then he just had to giggle and said "and see you naked."  I smack him and say "well you haven't yet mister and keep this up you may never get that either."  He looked at me and said "too late I already did when I helped change your diaper I got to see you naked then."  We all started laughing just as Mathew, my dad and Brad walk in.  The scroll on my dad's face made Noah stiffen.  My dad looks at Noah and says "So, when exactly did you see Elle naked young man"  I know I am blushing by this time and I see Noah gulp and smile "when I helped Mary change her diaper that one time."  Everyone started laughing my dad nearly fell out of his chair he was laughing so hard and that is when Brad pipes up and says "we heard everything about you saying Shelly being naked from the door.  Dad thought it would be funny to scare you."  Noah looks at him and says "yeah, real funny."  I just look at him and say "I am sorry baby but it was you looked like a dear caught in the headlights."  Mathew and my dad hold up their hands and show us that they had brought Chinese food for dinner we all cheered  and sat down for our first meal together as a family with Noah back home.

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