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The rest of the week at the beach house was fantastic.  We all spent a lot of time together but at the same time we gave each other couple time.  The day we all had to pack to come home I looked at Noah and say "I am going to miss this I felt almost like we were in our own little world with Lee and Rachel.  Almost as if we were stepping into the future." He wrapped his arms around me and said "yeah, i have to agree with you on that.  It did feel that way.

After ariving home I spent some quality time with Brad and my dad.  We had a nice meal and watched a movie before I put Brad to bed he said he wanted me to because he missed me so much.  After finishing up with Brad I went back downstairs to spend sometime with my dad.  After I sat down across from him he turned off the tv and cleared his throat.  "I know I should of had this talk with you before you left but I hope if you and Noah are being sexualy active I hope  that you are bieng safe"  I look up at him and say "yes, dad I am not ready to be a mom and I know Noah is not ready to be a dad right now."  "ok, just be safe Shells I really don't want you regretting anything from High School."  He get's up and walks away.

I run upstairs and text Lee

Me:  You are so, not going to belive the conversation I just had with my dad.

Lee:  What was he worried that the Big Bad Noah Flynn poped your cherry.

Me:  Well not that exactly

Lee:  then what

Me: He said if Noah and I are being sexualy active that he hopes we are being safe.  I so, wanted to die.

Lee:  LOL I wish I could have been there or better yet watching Max confront the two of you

Me: You are not funny.

My phone goes off and I look at it and notice it is Noah on face time.

Me: gotta go it's Noah

Lee: Ok

I pick up face time

Me: hey babe

Noah:  Are you texing Lee

Me:  Yeah, how did you know

Noah:  He started laughing really loud saying something about popping a cherry and Max

Me:  Well, my dad and I had a little talk about you.

Noah:  Really what about.

Me:  That if we are sexualy active he hopes we use protection.

Noah: great your dad is going to kill me

Me:  Tomorrow is Sunday dinner what are we going to do

Noah: pray that Lee behaves.  I better let you go don't need Max to get mad at me more.

Me: OK love you bye

Noah: Love you more bye.

The next day I was so nervous about family dinner that I stayed in my room until we had to leave.  Everything was going great we were all having a blast we talked about our time at the beach house on our own with out giving the personal exercise details away of course.  When I told June and Mathew thanks for letting us use the beach house that I had a really great time Lee smirks and says "I bet you did" Noah chokes because he was taking a drink at just that time and glares at Lee.  Lee is just sitting there with a smirk on his face saying "what I bet you had a good time becuase I did too"  Lee was on a roll this family dinner every chance he got he would slip in an inuendo about how much fun Noah and I really had.  He ordered a Shirley Temple and asked them to make sure they put in extra cherries because he like to Pop them in his mouth.  As the meal drags on I start wish I could drown my twin.  The worst part of the meal was we ordered desert and Lee ordered the Cherry Pie a la Mode and asked for a bib to use as protection for his shirt.  When we got into the car at the resturant my dad asked me "what was up with Lee today"  I looked at him and said "I have no idea dad."  "well even Noah was quieter than usual." "oh, I think it has to do with his midterms and the fact he is not happy about leaving soon.  He says he is going to miss me"  "ah, ok because if I didn't know anybetter I would have thought he was trying to tell us something."  "I have no idea dad Lee can be strange at times."  When we got home I ran upstairs and called Noah.

Me:  I am going to kill your brother.

Noah:  Not if I do it first.  I can't belive he said that I want extra cherries so I can pop them in my mouth.

Me:  or how about he needs a bib for protection from his damn cherry pie.

Dad:  Rochelle tell Noah bye and go to bed you two have school tomorrow.

Noah:  Night Shelly I love you

Me: Night Noah I love you more.

After hanging up with Noah I fire off a text to Lee before shutting off my phone.


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