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After a while  of me sitting there in Lewi's arms I hear "people are starting to show up you need to get dressed and he shouldn't be in here Shelly."  "Noah, the door is opened don't be an ass."  Lewis get's up and says "you get ready I will be waiting for you just outside."  "no, you won't you will be downstairs so the asshats down there don't think you two were doing something you may not go to school with them but she does and you are not ruining her reputation."  "Ok, I see your point."  Noah reaches in and locks the door before closing it.  I can hear Lewis though the door "Look I don't know what you said to her last night but if you really care about her the way I think you do.  Don't do it again.  That is not the girl I met that night there is something missing and I know it is your fault."  I heard Lewis walk off and Noah lean against the door and exhale.  I quickly get dressed and head down stairs.  

When I get downstairs I see the OMG girls all swarming Lewis trying to get his undivided attention when I hear "damn Evans you look great"  I laugh and turn around showing off the blue dress that June had bought me for my birthday last year.  It had a heart shaped bodice that  skimmed my torso and fell in a full skirt around my knees.  Unfortunately the hormone surge I had over the summer had me really filling out the bodice.  Lewis walked over and took off his cowboy hat bowed and wrapped his arm around my waist and said "damn, Elle you look great"  He kissed me lightly on the cheeck.  We spent the night with each other talking to people and laughing at some point we did get separated when Tuppen decided to show him the beer pong table.  That is when Noah walked up behind me "so you are not going to go and hide in a corner and make-out" I turn and look at him and my eye's fill up with tears I push passed him and run upstairs and hide in the alcove.  No one knows this hiding spot accept me, Lee and Noah.  You really have to know your way around the Flynn house hold to get to it so when I heard footsteps I knew it was one of two people.  "just leave me alone"  "it's me Lee I stopped him from following you"  "oh, who tried following me"  "well first it was Lewis but when he pointed to where he lost you Noah and I both knew where you were so Noah said he would come get you and I told him you have done enough" "thanks, he had the gall to tell me he couldn't belive I wasn't in some corner making-out."  "look just let it go. OK.  Lewis is looking for you and is worried about you so is Tuppen he almost started a fight with Noah over it."  "ok let's go"  

When we got back to the party I went and found Lewis and ignored Noah the rest of the night.  Lewis looked at me and said "so, your doing a kissing booth"  "well running it I am not one of the kissers."  "ah, so the whole school knew you have never been kissed why"  "Oh, that is because of Noah.  He had threatened all the guys in school saying I was off limits.  Tuppen was the only one brave enough to take me out but we decided we would make better friends."  "so, I am the second guy you have dated."  "yep"  He leans in and whispers "and the only guy to do this"  He pulls me close and kisses me brushing his tongue along my lips pulling me closer as I open my mouth to let him in."  At the same time I realize that this is wrong he pulls away and says "I can't do this I am so sorry"  I look up at him and say "what can't you do" "I like you I really do and I thought kissing you would make me like you even more but after that first kiss I mean don't get me wrong it was nice but I didn't feel sparks."  "see I asked you out to get over my ex. she is back in Texas her name is Dallas.  Go figure her dad loves the Dallas Cowboys so he named her after them.  Anyway, you reminded me of her that night and ever night since.  I really thought spending time with you and kissing you would help me let go but all it has done is made me realize I really love her"  I smile and look up at him and say "Well if we are being honest with each other I do like when you would hold me or kiss me but it didn't feel earth shattering or give me the feeling that my mind has checked out like I notice Lee sometimes looks after he kisses Rachel" "well that is good at least I know I didn't hurt you.  Is there someone you feel that way about"  "well, recently very recently there is someone that just him being close to me makes me tremble."  he leans in and whispers in my ear "let me guess Noah"  I pull back and look in his eyes "didn't think I noticed but I did and I wasn't kidding when I said he looks at me like I am stepping on his turf.  I wouldn't put it passed him to find out that the reason he has warned guys off you was because he is denying his feelings for you just give him time maybe I gave him the push he needed."  "what do you mean"  "like right now he is staring over here thinking I can't see him but when I lean in to talk in your ear his whole body tenses." I giggle and say "ok I will thanks Lewis"  "not a problem Elle" he kisses me lightly on the lips and says "bye Elle"  "bye Lewis"  As he walked away I headed upstairs and into the guest room.  There is a Knock on the door and I say "I am fine just thinking nothing bad happened."  I hear Noah's deep sexy voice say "ok Shelly but if you need me you will let me know"  "yes Noah I promise."  I drifted off to sleep after that.

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